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Times Tables, The Fun Way


My eldest boy has started learning times tables in earnest last year.

If you’ve been through, or are going through that stage at the moment, you’ll know what I mean: lots of repetition (tantrums), bribery (chocolate, nintendo ds, you name it) and distracted parents passing the buck at revision time.

On my last trip to London, I stocked up on various times tables activity books that make practice and revision a bit easier, but still way off making the whole process much fun. Then a few weeks ago I found this game of cards in France and my little monsters have been addicted ever since!

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Since finding out about this great game, I realised that many of my friends knew about it already so apologies for being a bit late to the party, but just in case someone hasn’t heard about it yet…

Basically, the game couldn’t be any simpler: it consists of 110 cards which have times tables (1 to 10) multiplications on one side and the correct result on the other.

They can be used in a myriad of ways, playing alone or in groups, for instance as a memory game for younger beginners, or as a form of “snap” where players compete at being the quickest to give the correct answer to each multiplication.

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I found “Cartatoto” completely by chance in a French shop, but I heard it’s widely available and used in Switzerland too, or you can order it from Amazon. The price is less than 7 euros, so definitely worth a try especially if your little ones have a bit of a competitive streak!

Do you have other tips or recommendations that can make learning times tables easier and more fun? Please share it in the comments box below, TIA!

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