From skiing with the tiddlers to enjoying a delish family Sunday brunch, we’ve posted our favourite tips for a great family weekend in and around Geneva, Vaud and nearby France, not to mention all the ideas you can find in our post on how to survive those sleepy winter Sundays (…free ice-skating anyone?).
We had to wait a fair bit for it, but now that we have plenty of snow, what about taking the little ones for some serious sledging fun?
- Wednesday 1st February 2017: “LA TÊTE DANS LES ÉTOILES”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 to 10 accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 1st February 2017: Mini Rendez-Vous for children at Geneva’s MAMCO. These are free, interactive guided tours for kids aged 2 to 4 accompanied by an adult. The tours start at 3.15pm. FREE entry, no advance booking required. Petits Rendez-Vous for children at Geneva’s MAMCO. These are free, interactive guided tours for kids aged 5 to 10 accompanied by an adult. The tours start at 3.15pm. FREE entry, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 1st February 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 1st February 2017: “Laisse ton empreinte”, fun workshops in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and how to make your own dino prints! These free workshops in French take place from 2pm until 4.30pm non-stop.

- Wednesday 1st February 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Wednesday 1st February 2017: the Musée Ariana in Geneva will be launching a series of fun guided tours and Saturday workshops for little ones aged 2 to 4, starting on the 11th of March 2017 but you must reserve your places now so make sure you do it well in advance! Call 022 418 5450 or email to reserve your place. Tickets are 5CHF per adult and 3CHF per child, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer. The upcoming workshops are as follows: Saturday 11th of March 2017 at 10am and at 11.30am “Plumes, poils… et terre”; Saturday 8th of April 2017 at 10am and at 11.30am “Ma boîte à trésors”; Saturday 8th of April 2017 at 10am and at 11.30am “Argile et pâte à pain”.

- Friday 3rd February 2017: “Safari au MAH”, part of the Visite pour les tout-petits activities at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 3 to 5 accompanied by an adult are welcome at 10.30am to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Friday 3rd; 10th; 17th and 24th February 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at

- Saturday 4th February 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Sunday 5th February 2017: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 5th February 2017: Petits Rendez-Vous for children at Geneva’s MAMCO, conducted in French and English. These are free, interactive guided tours for kids aged 5 to 10 accompanied by an adult. The tours start at 11.15pm. FREE entry, no advance booking required.

- Sunday 5th February 2017: “Tohu Wa Bohu en fête” story-time songs and music for children at Geneva’s MEG museum (in French). Suitable for toddlers from age 2, the first session will take place from 3pm to 3.45pm in the museum’s foyer, and the second one from 4pm until 4.45pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

- Tuesday 7th; 14th; 21st and 28th February 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at or call 022 525 5232.

- Tuesday 7th; 14th; Wed. 15th; 28th February and 1st March 2017: Portes Ouvertes for everyone at the circus and dance school “Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens”. The hip hop trial classes are free, places must be booked in advance at Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens.

- Wednesday 8th February 2017: “Portraits de famille”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 to 10 accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 8th February 2017: “Laisse ton empreinte”, fun workshops in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and how to make your own dino prints! These free workshops in French take place from 2pm until 4.30pm non-stop.

- Wednesday 8th February 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 8th February 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Thursday 9th February 2017: “Le jeu de statues”, part of the Visite pour les tout-petits activities at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 3 to 5 accompanied by an adult are welcome at 10.30am to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Friday 10th; 17th and 24th February 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at

- Saturday 11th February 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- 11th-26th February 2017: Festival Groove N’Move, Geneva’s international street dance festival, offering a plethora of great shows, battles of B-boying as well as workshops for various levels. See the official website for full programme details.

- 11th-26th February 2017: indoor play centre Jayland in Gland and Crissier will be open everyday from 10am until 6.30pm during the Vaud half-term holidays! Jayland Gland (Route de Suisse 41, tel. +41 79 102 65 48) and Jayland Crissier (Centre New Adoc 1, Croix du Péage; tel. +41 78 740 39 31).

- Monday 13th-Friday 17th February 2017: A great run-through of kids and family activities for these half term holidays, published in French on the Ville de Genève’s official webpage. Follow the link here. From creative workshops to theatre and puppet shows, movie screenings and ice-skating, you’ll find something for everyone!

- Monday 13th-Friday 17th February 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm during the school holidays (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Tuesday 14th February 2017: “LYS, AIGLE OU DRAGON?”, fun workshop for children aged 8 to 12 at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2), running from 1.30pm until 5.30pm. The price is 28CHF per child and places must be booked in advance at +41(0)22 418 25 00 or by email at

- 14th-15th; 28th February and 1st March 2017: Portes Ouvertes for everyone at the circus and dance school “Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens”. The hip hop trial classes are free, places must be booked in advance at Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens.

- Tuesday 14th; 21st and 28th February 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at or call 022 525 5232.

- Wednesday 15th February 2017: “Laisse ton empreinte”, fun workshops in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and how to make your own dino prints! These free workshops in French take place from 2pm until 4.30pm non-stop.

- Wednesday 15th February 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Friday 17th and 24th February 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at

- 17th-19th February 2017: the Carnaval des Enfants in Bulle is a fantastic day out for the whole family, especially if your little ones love to dress-up. Bulle is located in Canton Fribourg, only 1 hour and a half from Geneva by car. The Carnaval de Bulle is famous for its kids parade on Saturday at 2pm but the weekend is filled with great activities the whole family will enjoy. Click here for full programme details. This year’s theme is “à plumes ou à poils”, so make sure you dress accordingly!

- Saturday 18th February 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- 18th February-23rd April 2017: Kid’s Life 2, a great space for children which will include over 10 bouncy castles, building blocks, balls pools for little ones, table football and much more. Older children will find sumo costumes and archery games. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am until 6pm (but they will be open Monday to Sunday from 10am until 6pm during the Vaud school holidays!). Ticket prices are 8CHF for ages 2 to 6; 15CHF for 6+; FREE ENTRY for parents and children under 2.

- until 19th February 2017: Festival Antigel in Geneva. A great festival covering multi genre music concerts, theatre performances, brunches, sports and dance-offs. Family events include a classical music concert by Geneva Camerata on Saturday 18th of February at the Tennis de Champel in Vessy; a concert by Henri Dès on Sunday 5th of February. Click here for the full programme.

- until 19th February 2017: Châteaux forts et chevaliers, a great new exhibition at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva, perfect for budding knights and daring princesses. Click here for the complete list of kids guided tours and workshops taking place during the school holidays.

- until 19th February 2017: “Microcosmes”, a fun LEGO® exhibition by French photographer Samsofy at the La Cité du Temps in Geneva. The exhibition features photographs, installations and model-making, and if your little ones are LEGO® fans they will love it! Open everyday from 9am until 6pm. FREE ENTRY.

- Tuesday 21st and 28th February 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at or call 022 525 5232.

- Wednesday 22nd February 2017: MEGNomade en Amériques, guided tour and story-time for ages 5+ conducted in French at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The tour is open to all and FREE OF CHARGE, meet the group at the information desk. Starting at 2pm until 3.30pm.

- Wednesday 22nd February 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 22nd February 2017: “Laisse ton empreinte”, fun workshops in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and how to make your own dino prints! These free workshops in French take place from 2pm until 4.30pm non-stop.

- Wednesday 22nd February 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Friday 24th February 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at

- Saturday 25th February 2017: Concert en famille “Le Carnaval des animaux” by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. The concert will take place at the Salle de la Galerie in Bernex (Rue de Bernex 313) from 10am until 11.30am. The concert is suitable for children aged 7 to 10. A version suitable for younger children aged 3 to 6 will take place on Saturday 4th of March at 10am at the Ecole Robert-Hainard in Bernex. FREE ENTRY but places must be booked in advance at or by phone at 022 850 92 92.

- Saturday 25th February 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Saturday 25th February 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the morning from 9.30am until midday and in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm. Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Tuesday 28th February 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at or call 022 525 5232.

- Tuesday 28th February 2017: big Carnival celebrations, games, baby dance and best dress-up costume competition at L’île de Tortuga indoor play centre in Vetraz-Monthoux (France). Open from 10am until 7pm, entry tickets are 10 euros for all children who are dressed up!

- 28th February and 1st March 2017: Portes Ouvertes for everyone at the circus and dance school “Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens”. The hip hop trial classes are free, places must be booked in advance at Ecole de Cirque de Lausanne-Renens.

- until 17th March 2017: Dinosaures, a brand new dinosaur exhibition at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle in Geneva.

- The permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.

Many public libraries host free events, workshops, story-times (usually in French but many times in other languages too). The bibliothèques in Geneva, Lausanne and neighbouring communes hold too many kids events each month to list them all here so here’s some links you can check regularly:
Geneva public libraries events & activities
Carouge public libraries events & activities
Lausanne public libraries events & activities
Click here to find the best indoor play centres in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France, and remember you can always pop round into your local toy library for a bit of free-play. Here’s a link about great ludothèques in the area.

At this time of the year, ski season is usually in full swing, so take a look at our previous posts about the best family ski-resorts (as voted by you!) and ski-schools for kids close to Geneva. If your little ones are thrill-seekers, why not try out these great winter sledging spots?

One of the things we love the most about winter in Geneva is the access to some fabulous ice-skating rinks: they’re fun, they’re mostly free of charge and you can often hire skates for as little as 2 CHF. Here’s a selection of our favourite ones, but remember to check in your area as most villages and communes have their own winter skating-rinks.
- New eco-friendly patinoire at the Bains des Pâquis in Geneva! The Bains des Pâquis have pulled all the stops for this festive season: go and check out their brand new, eco-friendly ice rink, slam bang on top of the Bains’ spectacular jetty. Here’s a link to the article from La Tribune de Genève. The ice-rink opened on the 25th of November 2016 and the price for hiring the special skates needed is only 2CHF per person.
- Open until 25th February 2017: the Patinoire des Charmilles in Geneva is smaller but it’s great fun for families: on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 2pm to 6pm they hold “Glisse en musique” skate & dance sessions for families that are really good fun! Entry is free and skates can be hired for 2CHF. Click here for opening times – the rink is closed on Mondays.
- Open until 26th February 2017: Patinoire des Bastions, Geneva – open Tuesday to Sunday, entry is free and skates can be hired for 2CHF. Click here for exact opening times.
- Open until 26th February 2017: the Patinoire saisonnière in Carouge is at the heart of the city’s Xmas celebrations: the atmosphere is great and you’ll be skating right in the centre of beautiful Carouge. Don’t miss the super-cool “Ice Bar” for a hot drink or a fondue. From this year, renting skates for children up to the age of 6 will be free of charge and only 2CHF for older children and adults.
- Open until March 2017: the patinoire des Vernets has 2 ice-rinks, a smaller one outdoors and a larger one indoors for matches & sports events.
- The patinoire in Grand-Sacconex offers free “Cours d’initiation au patinage” open to all every Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm and every Sunday from 11am until midday . Bookings to be made in advance at the ice-rink – tel. 079 079 958 84 48. Patinoire Grand-Sacconex – Campagne du Château – 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex (GE).

There are some great ice-skating rinks in Canton Vaud as well (our family’s favourite is La Patinoire de Terre Sainte in Coppet with its dazzling views over the château), so if you’d like to have a go you can find the complete list here.
- Open until March 2017: the Patinoires in Lausanne include the Patinoire de Montchoisi, the Patinoire de Malley, Flon Patinoire and the Patinoire de la Pontaise. See the official Lausanne website for more details.

- Open until 12th March 2017: The patinoire de Nyon-Rive reopened for the winter season at the end of October. This year, the ice rink will be open 7 days a week! Click here for exact opening times. ENTRY IS FREE, ice skates for children can be hired for just 3CHF (5CHF for adults).