Spring is finally here to stay and the list of events in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France is filled with exciting outings for the whole family.
Here’s our list of suggestions, but remember to keep checking our blog as we will be updating it with more events each week!
- 8th-9th April 2017: Pâques en fête, Easter family event at the Musée romand de la machine agricole in Gingins (VD). From 10am until 5pm there will be Easter workshops for children, an artisan market and an “Easter farm” with hopping bunnies, chickens and trained shepherd dogs. Entry is 5CHF for adults and FREE FOR CHILDREN.

- 8th-23rd April 2017: take a stroll in the pretty lakeside village of Nyon to look at their decorated Easter fountains, then stop at the superb playground or at the Musée du Léman. If the little ones get a bit peckish, try a crêpe from Tac-OH or a delicious Italian ice-cream from Gelateria Venezia or Manu – il gelato italiano.

- 8th-23rd April 2017: Pâkomuzé, family Easter activities across 35 museums in Lausanne, Pully, Yverdon & the Vaud riviera. The 12th edition of “PâKOMUZé” is back this year to keep your little munchkins entertained during the Easter holidays. The objective of PâKOMUZé (phonetic transcription of ‘Pâques au Musée’) is to offer a selection of great kids activities ranging from police forensic workshops for 10 to 12 year-olds at the UNIL Lausanne to Easter chocolate workshops at the Alimentarium and “Princesses & Knights Tours” at the Musée historique de Lausanne. Most activities require previous booking, so make sure you reserve your places when registrations open on the 28th of March 2017. Click here to download the full programme, which includes free activities, and ones that require advance booking.

- Sunday 9th April 2017: Giant Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am from the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais, Geneva. There will be over 500 chocolate eggs to be found so make sure you’re there on time! FREE ENTRY.

- Wednesday 12th April 2017: Easter tea time and fun activities at the Ladurée tea room in Geneva (Quai des Bergues, rue du Mont-Blanc 1). Read all about it in our previous post!

- Friday 14th-Sunday 16th April 2017: “À la chasse aux œufs de collection !”, Easter activities for families and children aged 6+ at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). Take part in the Easter egg hunt and find all the hidden eggs in the museum’s collections! The event will run from 11am to 5.30pm. FREE ENTRY.

- 14th-16th April 2017: Mosaïque de Pâques at the Place de la Navigation in Ouchy (Lausanne). Don’t miss this unique Easter mosaic composed with 34,300 painted eggs, created in support of the ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer. From the 25th to the 27th of March, the painted eggs will be sold (CHF 1 each) on the Place de la Navigation with the aim of creating a giant mosaic. There will also be various stalls, events and catering on site. FREE ENTRY. All the proceeds from the event will go towards ARFEC’s work enabling families to accompany their children during hospitalisation.

- 15th-16th April 2017: Chasses aux oeufs au Vitam’Ludic, Easter egg hunts at Vitam’ indoor play centre in Neydens (France). Starting at 10am and open to children aged 4 to 12. The Egg Hunts will take place in the Grands jeux section. Free activity but participants will need to buy an entry ticket to the Grands jeux section.

- 15th April-2nd May 2017: Easter egg hunt and fun activities for children at C L’Aventure indoor play centre in Annemasse (France). The indoor play centre will be open from 10am until 7pm. Entry is free for children under the age of 1; 7 Euros for children aged 1 to 3 and 10.00 Euros for ages 4 to 12.

- Sunday 16th April 2017: “Grande chasse à l’oeuf, dimanche de Pâques”, a great Easter egg hunt for children under 10 in the lovely gardens of the Château de Voltaire in Ferney-Voltaire (France). Entry is 3 Euros per child, no advance booking necessary. From 10am to 1pm.

- Sunday 16th April 2017: Chasse aux oeufs de Pâques at Fort l’Ecluse in Leaz (France). The Easter egg hunt will run from 10am until 4pm, entry is 2,5 euros per child.

- Monday 17th April 2017: Brunch & chasse aux oeufs – Lundi de Pâques at Le Café du Château in Prangins (Avenue Général Guiguer). A lovely Easter brunch with an Easter egg hunt kicking off at 12pm. The egg hunt will take place right next to the café for the little ones and in the beautiful gardens of Prangins castle for older children up to the age of 12. The unlimited brunch is 32CHF for adults and 20CHF for children, drinks not included. Call the café on 022 363 14 66 to reserve your places now! Warning: the egg hunt will be cancelled in case of rain.

- 29th March-2nd April 2017: Salon International des Inventions at Geneva Palexpo. Find out about the latest inventions and gadgets from all over the world, shown here for the first time.

- 30th March-2nd April 2017 Mednat Expo at the Expo Beauliue in Lausanne. This is the largest and most important exhibition in Switzerland dedicated to natural remedies, healthy eating and organic produce. With over 240 exhibitors, yogathon sessions and cookery workshops there is something for everyone! See the official website for full details.

- 31st March-2nd April 2017: Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art in Geneva and Vaud. Would you like to see what happens behind the scenes of the city’s most important cultural institutions? Would you like to meet the people who work there and learn more about what they do? If so, book your place for one of the guided tours or free workshops taking place in Geneva and Vaud at the end of March 2017. Visit the official website for full info and to reserve your place, but hurry as they fill up fast! Bookings open at the beginning of March 2017, FREE ENTRY to all activities.

- 31st March-8th April 2017: “Cully Jazz Festival”, a great music festival and the most important jazz festival in Switzerland. Click here for full details and to book tickets.

- Saturday 1st April 2017: Parent & child art workshop at Life of Art in Geneva. The workshop will run from 10am until midday. Feel free to contact the school’s founder Lisa Anderson for more information and to reserve a place: tel. +41 22 525 5232 or by email at info@life-of-art.ch

- Saturday 1st April 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- 1st-2nd April 2017: chocoholics rejoice as the Festichoc is back in Versoix for its 13th edition. This is the best chocolate festival in the Suisse Romande: with over 33 exhibitors and chocolatiers present you will be able to taste some delicious chocolate, learn how these scrumptious creations are made and also take part in a Chocolate Egg hunt on Sunday at 11.30am. See the official website for full details.

- 1st-2nd April 2017: Carnaval d’Annemasse, fun carnival celebrations in Annemasse (France) with activities starting at 3pm on Saturday 1st of April. Don’t miss the parade kicking off at 3pm on Sunday, with its carnival floats and children in full dress-up costumes! FREE ENTRY.

- 1st-9th April 2016: International Oriental Film Festival in Geneva with a section called “Fi-Fon-Fan” entirely dedicated to children aged 3 to 12 (programme details coming up soon). Movies will be screened at various locations in Geneva and nearby France, including the Cinémas du Grütli; CinéVersoix; Zinema; Office des Nations Unies à Genève; Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN); Musée Ariana; Chat Noir; Moulin à Danse de Genève (MAD); Le Chic; Espace 99; Ecole Internationale Tunon de Genève; Ecole Internationale de Genève; Cycle d’Orientation de la Seymaz; Cinéma Le Patio (Ciné-Club de Gex).

- 1st April-14th May 2017: Morges Tulip Festival. Spring wouldn’t be spring without the Morges Tulip Festival with its 120,000 tulips of 300 varieties, blossoming along the lakeside promenade of the Parc de l’Indépendance in Morges. The first varieties start blooming around mid-April (weather permitting) and there are plenty of activities planned for the duration of the festival. Find out more here.

- Sunday 2nd April 2017: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 2nd April 2017: “Cap sur les Amériques avec Tohu Wa Bohu” story-time songs and music for children at Geneva’s MEG museum (in French). Suitable for toddlers from age 2, the first session will take place from 3pm to 3.45pm in the museum’s foyer, and the second one from 4pm until 4.45pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

- Sunday 2nd April 2017: Petits Rendez-Vous for children at Geneva’s MAMCO, conducted in French and English. These are free, interactive guided tours for kids aged 5 to 10 accompanied by an adult. The tours start at 11.15pm. FREE entry, no advance booking required.

- Tuesday 4th; 11th and 25th March 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at info@life-of-art.ch or call 022 525 5232.

- Wednesday 5th April 2017: tickets for this summer’s Paléo Festival Nyon go on sale today at midday! The Paléo Festival is one of the major open-air music festivals in Europe, this year’s edition will run from the 18th to the 23rd of July 2017. Don’t miss it.

- Wednesday 5th April 2017: “Poissons d’avril”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 to 10 accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 5th April 2017: LES TRÉSORS DU GRAND MUSÉE – visite pour les tout-petits free guided tours for children aged 3 to 5 accompanied by an adult at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva starting at 10.30am and 3.30pm. No previous booking required, FREE OF CHARGE.
- Wednesday 5th April 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3 CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 5th April 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Friday 7th; 21st and 28th April 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at info@life-of-art.ch

- Saturday 8th April 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the morning from 9.30am until midday and in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm. Entry is 3CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Saturday 8th April 2017: Les samedis à la Villa Freundler, free Saturday activities for families and children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 3pm to 7pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- 8th-23rd April 2017: Pâkomuzé, family Easter activities across 35 museums in Lausanne, Pully, Yverdon & the Vaud riviera. The 12th edition of “PâKOMUZé” is back this year to keep your little munchkins entertained during the Easter holidays. The objective of PâKOMUZé (phonetic transcription of ‘Pâques au Musée’) is to offer a selection of great kids activities ranging from police forensic workshops for 10 to 12 year-olds at the UNIL Lausanne to Easter chocolate workshops at the Alimentarium and “Princesses & Knights Tours” at the Musée historique de Lausanne. Most activities require previous booking, so make sure you reserve your places when registrations open on the 28th of March 2017. Click here to download the full programme, which includes free activities, and ones that require advance booking.

- Sunday 9th April 2017: Giant Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am from the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais, Geneva. There will be over 500 chocolate eggs to be found so make sure you’re there on time! FREE ENTRY.

- Tuesday 11th and 25th March 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at info@life-of-art.ch or call 022 525 5232.

- Wednesday 12th April 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3 CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 12th April 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- Wednesday 12th April 2017: Easter tea time and fun activities at the Ladurée tea room in Geneva (Quai des Bergues, rue du Mont-Blanc 1). Read all about it in our previous post!

- 13th-16th April 2017: Indian Food Festival taking place at the Village du Soir in Carouge (route des Jeunes 24). Let your nose guide you through layers of spices while savoring wonderful dishes; surround yourself with incredible colors, lose yourself in music and enjoy the spectacular dances. Food stalls, live music & Indian dance…all in one place! FREE ENTRY.

- Friday 14th-Sunday 16th April 2017: “À la chasse aux œufs de collection !”, Easter activities for families and children aged 6+ at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). Take part in the Easter egg hunt and find all the hidden eggs in the museum’s collections! The event will run from 11am to 5.30pm. FREE ENTRY.

- 14th-16th April 2017: Mosaïque de Pâques at the Place de la Navigation in Ouchy (Lausanne). Don’t miss this unique Easter mosaic composed with 34,300 painted eggs, created in support of the ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer. From the 25th to the 27th of March, the painted eggs will be sold (CHF 1 each) on the Place de la Navigation with the aim of creating a giant mosaic. There will also be various stalls, events and catering on site. FREE ENTRY. All the proceeds from the event will go towards ARFEC’s work enabling families to accompany their children during hospitalisation.

- 15th-16th April 2017: Chasses aux oeufs au Vitam’Ludic, Easter egg hunts at Vitam’ indoor play centre in Neydens (France). Starting at 10am and open to children aged 4 to 12. The Egg Hunts will take place in the Grands jeux section. Free activity but participants will need to buy an entry ticket to the Grands jeux section.

- Sunday 16th April 2017: “Grande chasse à l’oeuf, dimanche de Pâques”, a great Easter egg hunt for children under 10 in the lovely gardens of the Château de Voltaire in Ferney-Voltaire (France). Entry is 3 Euros per child, no advance booking necessary. From 10am to 1pm.

- 18th-21st April 2017: Atelier vidéo à la Villa Bernasconi, video workshops for children aged 8 to 12 at the Villa Bernasconi, route du Grand-Lancy 8 (Tram 15, Lancy-Mairie). The workshops will take place every afternoon from 2pm until 5pm and only cost 50CHF for the whole week. Places must be booked in advance at Service de la culture | 022 794 73 03 | info@villabernasconi.ch

- 18th-21st April 2017: Vacances à la romaine, kids workshops in French for ages 7 to 12 at the Musée Romain de Nyon (9 rue Maupertuis). These fun sessions will look at the history and customs of ancient Rome, from mosaic art to unravelling ancient coded messages. Running from 2pm to 4pm all week, they cost 16CHF per child and must be reserved in advance at 022 361 75 91 or musee.romain@nyon.ch. Click here to download the full programme.

- Wednesday 19th April 2017: Le MEGnomade en Océanie, guided tour and story-time for ages 5+ conducted in French by Floriane Facchini at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The tour is open to all and FREE OF CHARGE, meet the group at the information desk. Starting at 2pm until 3.30pm.

- Friday 21st and 28th April 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at info@life-of-art.ch

- 21st-29th April 2017: Visions du Réel, Nyon’s international film and documentary festival. Visions du Réel is definitely an appointment not to miss if you love thought-provoking and original films dealing with the reality and contradictions of this amazing world of ours. Check the official website for full details of the daily programme which will be unveiled soon.

- until 23rd April 2017: Kid’s Life 2, a great space for children which will include over 10 bouncy castles, building blocks, balls pools for little ones, table football and much more. Older children will find sumo costumes and archery games. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am until 6pm (but they will be open Monday to Sunday from 10am until 6pm during the Vaud school holidays!). Ticket prices are 8CHF for ages 2 to 6; 15CHF for 6+; FREE ENTRY for parents and children under 2.

- Tuesday 25th March 2017: Chinese Painting classes for adults at Life of Art in Geneva. The classes will run every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm. Each class costs 65CHF per person – all materials aare supplied. To book your Chinese Painting Workshop, please email Life of Art at info@life-of-art.ch or call 022 525 5232.

- Wednesday 26th April 2017: “Viens jardiner avec nous !” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 6-9 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesday from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 15CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme.

- Wednesday 26th April 2017: “LA MÉTÉO DES TABLEAUX”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 to 10 accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 26th April 2017: Jours d’ouverture aux familles at the Maison de la Créativité in Conches (7, chemin Calandrini). These family activities will take place in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 5pm (on Saturday 25th of February the centre will also be open in the morning from 9.30am until midday). Entry is 3 CHF per adult and per child aged 2+.

- Wednesday 26th April 2017: Les mercredis à la Villa Freundler, free Wednesday activities for children at the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais (Place de Saint-François 4). Activities include games, creative workshops, sports and they will run from 1.30pm to 6pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary, children must be accompanied by an adult/carer.

- 26th-30th April 2017: 31st Geneva Book & Press Fair at Geneva Palexpo. The Geneva book fair is going to be filled with great activities for children, including yoga for kids, comics workshops, story-times and much more. Take a look at the official programme for full details.

- Thursday 27th April 2017: Le marché du jeudi soir in Carouge. This great weekly event will run until the 22nd of December 2017 on the Place du marché in Carouge. From 5pm until 9pm this bustling neighbourhood market will be accompanied by live music bands and gourmet tastings! FREE ENTRY.

- Friday 28th April 2017: Art Jamming, organized by Life of Art at La Fabrique bistrot in Geneva. But what is Art Jamming exactly? It’s a new way to get creative whilst socializing and making new friends! Art jamming is all about creating art in a fun environment, with great music to inspire you and drinks at hand. In a group of about 10 people, our in house artist/teacher will create a painting in front of you, guiding you step by step through the different stages and techniques so that you can follow at the same time on your own canvas. So even if you are a beginner you can still join in the fun. It’s a 2 hour workshop where all materials are supplied and you get to take home your canvas. Meet and greet at the Bistrot La Fabrique, just opposite the Life of Art studio, at 18:00. For more information and to reserve a place contact Lisa Anderson at Life of Art on +41 22 525 5232 or by email at info@life-of-art.ch

- 28th April-7th May 2017: Festival La Cour des Contes in Plan-les-Ouates has a programme packed with fantastic shows and events for all ages (and many are free!), so take a look at their official programme online to find out more about it and reserve your places. Places can be booked in advance at 022 884 64 60 or by email at culture@plan-les-ouates.ch

- Saturday 29th April 2017: Parent & child art workshop at Life of Art in Geneva. The workshop will run from 10am until midday. Feel free to contact the school’s founder Lisa Anderson for more information and to reserve a place: tel. +41 22 525 5232 or by email at info@life-of-art.ch

- until 30th April 2017: “Pop Art, mon Amour”, a great exhibition about Tadanori Yokoo and Osamu Tezuka, a cross-over between the Japanese Warhol and the manga author, best known for Astro the little robot. Linked to the exhibition, there will be various kids workshops, free guided tours and other fun activities – click here for full details and to reserve your place.

- Just a quick reminder about the iconic Carrousel des fables at the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques in Geneva: it’s a great activity for the little ones on a sunny day, to be coupled with a visit to the free mini zoo and the park’s playground! And when the little munchkins get a bit peckish, you can grab something delicious at Le Pyramus restaurant, located right next to the playground.

- 11th May-20th August 2017: Ma vie de Courgette L’Expo at the Musée de Carouge (Place de Sardaigne 2). If you have seen this exceptional movie you will want to know more about how it was made and this exhibition is all about that: discover how Céline Sciamma and Claude Barras went about making what is probably the best movie of 2016! Kids will love to watch how the stop-motion animation and the puppets were made, so don’t miss it. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 2pm until 6pm.

- until 18th June 2017: “Les portes de la fantaisie”, a great exhibition suitable for ages 4 to 11 at the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne (Vallée de la Jeunesse 1). The exhibition will introduce your little ones to the fascinating world of architecture.

- until 15th July 2017: “T’es sûr-e ?”, a fantastic new exhibition suitable from age 7 at the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne (Vallée de la Jeunesse 1). The exhibition will teach and amuse your little ones with fun science experiments. Alongside the exhibition there will also be a series of fun workshops for ages 7 to 12 called “Le Club des petits inventeurs”, from 2pm to 5pm on selected days. Click here to download the list of activities.

- The permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.

You can also check our previous posts to find all the best child-friendly places to enjoy a delicious and stress-free Sunday brunch with your little buttons or the best indoor play centres in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France. And if the Sunday blues hit you don’t fret, we’ve got some great tips for that too.
- Stuck for ideas on a Sunday? Find some ideas and suggestions here!
On those gray, drizzly days when nothing seems to placate your little buttons, remember you can visit your local ludothèques for a bit of free play and some light relief.
Public libraries are also a great place for your children: many host free events, workshops, story-times (usually in French but many times in other languages too). The bibliothèques in Geneva, Lausanne and neighbouring communes hold too many kids events each month to list them all here so here’s some links you can check regularly:
Geneva public libraries events & activities
Carouge public libraries events & activities
Lausanne public libraries events & activities

1 comment
Wow, thanks for amazing post!!! Lots of things to do in April