Schilliger’s Winter Wonderland November 19, 2017 Every year, Schilliger’s home depo and garden centre in Gland pulls all the stops to create a magical… 24 Shares 24 0
Garden Centre Café October 8, 2017 Opened a couple of years ago but recently renovated, the Café Agnès at Schilliger Garden Center in Gland… 0 Shares 0 0
Free Christmas Activities November 19, 2015 Here’s a brief list of fun Christmas activities you can enjoy with your little ones in the coming… 3 Shares 3 0
A Cut Above January 12, 2015 Last year I was looking for a hairdresser for my 3 children when a friend recommended ChicTifs in Gland (VD).… 0 Shares 0 0
Little Bird Pilates March 13, 2014 If you’ve been wanting to give Pilates a try without the long-term commitment that typically comes with a… 1 Shares 1 0
Christmas Wonderland November 18, 2013 This might not be a new find, as Schilliger is one of the best-known garden & home-decor stores… 0 Shares 0 0