French Classes for Mums January 21, 2016 We have some great news for expectant and new mums in Geneva looking to improve their French language skills!… 11 Shares 11 0
Key English School April 27, 2015 If you’re looking for a fun & engaging holiday camp for your children this summer, then Key English School might… 18 Shares 18 0
Times Tables, The Fun Way March 3, 2015 My eldest boy has started learning times tables in earnest last year. If you’ve been through, or are… 0 Shares 0 0
Learning French Can Be Easy April 4, 2013 Is learning or improving your French still at the top of your to-do list? If so, here’s some very useful… 0 Shares 0 0
How to Choose the Right School in Geneva February 5, 2013 If you’re planning to settle in Geneva with your family, chances are that education will be a key… 1 Shares 1 0
No Homework, More Fun ? November 6, 2012 New expats moving to France will see educational reforms take place from September 2013. After months spent debating over… 7 Shares 7 0
Raising a Bilingual Child September 20, 2012 I don’t pretend I got it all right and my daughter does make mistakes as she is learning… 0 Shares 0 0
ASK Information Day September 11, 2012 Unique event in Geneva: a special needs education fair Saturday October 6th 2012 Crown Plaza Hotel, Geneva 9:30am – 3pm… 0 Shares 0 0
The CAF: Cheque annuel de formation August 30, 2012 The first time I heard about the CAF (Chèque annuel de formation) I had already been living in Switzerland… 1 Shares 1 0
Swiss School August 28, 2012 Moving to a different country is daunting enough for anyone. Thinking about enrolling your children into a local… 0 Shares 0 0
How Teachers Can Shape You June 9, 2012 At the beginning there was a teacher in a classroom full of 14 year-old students, who were learning when to use the… 0 Shares 0 0
Private Schools in Geneva May 23, 2012 The most frequently asked question about family life is Geneva is inevitably about schools. As an expatriate parent… 1 Shares 0 1