Love Esther Zaricot

We can’t stop grinning from ear to ear since Mme Esther Zaricot agreed to give us this interview. She’s a Swiss…

Expat Mumpreneurs: Marta

We all know that moving to a different country is not always easy, especially if you’re leaving behind…

Jobseeking in Switzerland

The first images of Switzerland that come to mind are often those of majestic mountain views, endless ski-runs,…

Meet “Atila 4 Child”

Our community of expat mums is such a treasure trove of amazing talent that there is more to be found…

Raising a Bilingual Child

I don’t pretend I got it all right and my daughter does make mistakes as she is learning…

Expat Mumpreneurs: Michelle

Our “Expat Mumpreneurs” section is very close to our hearts. We have the greatest admiration for all the talented,…

ASK Information Day

Unique event in Geneva: a special needs education fair Saturday October 6th 2012 Crown Plaza Hotel, Geneva 9:30am – 3pm…

Swiss School

Moving to a different country is daunting enough for anyone. Thinking about enrolling your children into a local…

Meet La Maison de Colette

La Maison de Colette is definitely one of my favourite Geneva blogs. Created by Marion, a French mother-of-one and…

Kristin on Trailing

Kristin Louise Duncombe  is a psychotherapist who specializes in working with international and expatriate families in Paris and…

How Teachers Can Shape You

At the beginning there was a teacher in a classroom full of 14 year-old students, who were learning when to use the…

Expat Dads Who Blog

Read our interview with Jerry Isturis, an expat dad and blogger who moved to Switzerland with his family…

Private Schools in Geneva

The most frequently asked question about family life is Geneva is inevitably about schools. As an expatriate parent…

Nurseries & Daycare in Geneva

**Updated 28th August 2012: we are overjoyed to update our post below about the shortage of nursery places…