Meet Zirkuss September 23, 2013 We’re so excited to welcome one of Switzerland’s coolest online kids stores amongst our advertisers, but even more… 0 Shares 0 0
Swiss Mumpreneurs at Hiboutique June 13, 2013 As you might have guessed, we love to surf the net here at Geneva Family Diaries. A few… 0 Shares 0 0
Learning French Can Be Easy April 4, 2013 Is learning or improving your French still at the top of your to-do list? If so, here’s some very useful… 0 Shares 0 0
A Swiss Mum Who Blogs March 17, 2013 Pauline is a Swiss mum-of-three and the freelance illustrator behind the enourmously funny Lavipo, a Swiss blog about motherhood… 0 Shares 0 0
Minimalisma Giveaway February 14, 2013 We are delighted to announce our first ever giveaway with Zürich-based Minimalisma, an online store of adorable baby… 0 Shares 0 0
Eco Design at February 5, 2013 Our Expat Mumpreneur interviews are so inspiring and motivating that we can’t get enough of them. The latest expat mumpreneur to join our… 0 Shares 0 0
Help at Moneypenny & Co. January 28, 2013 A warm welcome to Corinne Buck, the latest expat mumpreneur to share her story and great tips on… 0 Shares 0 0
Genevacakes Giveaway ! January 17, 2013 Read the story behind the launch of Genevacakes, which has been kindly contributed by expat mum and founder… 31 Shares 31 0
An Expat Family in Aigle November 25, 2012 When you’re planning a move abroad or you’ve just put down your expat roots in a new place,… 0 Shares 0 0
She’s Toute Sweet ! October 21, 2012 Here at Geneva Family Diaries our eyes are definitely bigger than our tums, so we might be forgiven if… 0 Shares 0 0
Jobseeking in Switzerland October 9, 2012 The first images of Switzerland that come to mind are often those of majestic mountain views, endless ski-runs,… 0 Shares 0 0
Expat Mumpreneurs: Michelle September 14, 2012 Our “Expat Mumpreneurs” section is very close to our hearts. We have the greatest admiration for all the talented,… 9 Shares 9 0
The CAF: Cheque annuel de formation August 30, 2012 The first time I heard about the CAF (Chèque annuel de formation) I had already been living in Switzerland… 1 Shares 1 0