Here’s our events listings for the month of October, remember to keep checking our listings regularly as we will be updating this post with more events each week.
Take a peek at our Halloween post for best Halloween parties, events for kids and workshops!

On those gray, drizzly autumn days when nothing seems to placate your little buttons, remember you can visit your local ludothèque for a spot of free play and some light relief.
Public libraries are also a great place for your children: many host free events, workshops, story-times (usually in French but sometimes in other languages too). The bibliothèques in Geneva, Lausanne and neighbouring communes hold too many kids events each month to list them all here so here’s some links you can check regularly:
Geneva public libraries events & activities
Carouge public libraries events & activities
Lausanne public libraries events & activities

Autumn is the season to go apple-picking with the kids, so make the most of it before season ends. Just find the closest farm to you (you can take a look at our useful links here, just scroll to the bottom of the post) and bring a sturdy bag. Make sure you check with them when their picking season ends.
Some farms will let you pick pears and plums too — such a great alternative to supermarket shopping!

You can also check our previous posts to find all the best child-friendly places to enjoy a delicious and stress-free Sunday brunch with your little buttons or the best indoor play centres in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France. And if the Sunday blues hit you don’t fret, we’ve got some great tips for that too!
- until October 2015: Les Quais du Dahlia, a wonderful dahlias exhibition along the lakeside in Morges (VD). See over 2,250 gorgeous dahlia flowers bloom in hundreds of varieties all along the Quai Igor Strawinsky in Morges (VD). A truly stunning view along the town’s lakeside. Read all about last year’s edition in our previous post.

- 1st-4th October 2015: Assemblages Festival, music, theatre and circus festival in Troinex(Salle des fêtes de Troinex, 20 route de Moillebin).

- 1st-11th October 2015: Animatou Film Festival in Geneva, a fab line-up of international animated movies your little ones will love. See the official website for full details of the 180 films that will be shown and all the kids workshops available.

- 2nd-3rd October 2015: Histoires de loups 3 stories in music suitable for children aged 5+ at the Conservatoire populaire de musique, danse et theatre in Geneva (Rue François D’Ivernois 7). The concerts are FREE OF CHARGE but the auditorium only has 160 seats so places should be booked in advance at – please include the date and time of the concert you wish to book for; your full name and the number of places you’d like to reserve.
- 2nd-3rd October 2015: Fête de la Vigne. Autumn and wine fest taking place on the place du Château in Nyon (VD). The programme will include live music, free wine tastings from 7 local wine producers, grape harvest at the Vigne de la Duche with activities for kids and much more. Free entry, click here for full programme details.

- 2nd October 2015-17th January 2016: «Lascaux, chef-d’œuvre de la préhistoire» at Palexpo Geneva – Halle 7. As the official website says: “For the first time in Switzerland, discover the splendour of this UNESCO listed cave in an impressive life size replica and an exhibition spreading on 4000m2! Thanks to the diversity and quality of the paintings, the Lascaux cave is one of the most important in the world. Discovered in 1940, the wall paintings are considered a treasure of paleolithic art. The exhibition will reveal the secrets of this fabulous cave and its masterpieces painted by our ancestors, the Cro Magnons, 200 centuries ago. Embark on a wonderful journey through time and enter the Lascaux cave, closed to visitors since 1963.” Make the most of the 16CHF discounted tickets on “Discovery Mondays” 4th of October; 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th of November; 7th and 14th of December; 11th of January. The exhibition is free for children under 6. Visit the official website for opening times and tickets booking.

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: Portes Ouvertes aux familles – Maison de la créativité in Conches (GE). Read all about this great family event in our recent post!

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: “Dinosaures, fossiles et autres aventures de la Terre Animation Géosciences”, a workshop and conference in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and dinosaurs, these free Saturday workshops in French start from the hall on the 3rd floor and take place at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

- Saturday 3rd October 2013: Festival des Familles, family festival at the Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 17). From 10am to midday and from 2pm until 4pm, enjoy a number of exciting family activities including workshops, family guided tours and board games. Click here for full programme details.

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: Rallye du Chocolat de Genève, a fab free event for all chocoholics out there. Collect your “passeport de choc” and visit the 12 artisanal chocolateries taking part in this event: from 10.30am until 5pm you will be able to taste some of their best creations free of charge! Visit the official website for full details on how and where to collect your “Passeport”.

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: Marché d’automne, Oktoberfest in Nyon’s town centre (Rue de la Gare, Rue Perdemtps, Rue Neuve, Place St.Martin, Place du Marché, Grand-Rue, Rue de la Morâche). Enjoy live music, kids activities, a farmers’ market and many more autumn activities throughout the day. The Nyon Police will also be holding activities and live demonstrations for the public at the Salle Communale de Nyon — the kids will definitely love this! FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: La Désalpe – St Cergue, traditional Swiss festival, which marks the cattle descent from their alpine pastures for the winter. Read all about it in our previous post! FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 3rd October 2015: Swiss Classic British Cars Meeting in Morges (VD). The 24th Swiss Classic British Car Meeting will be held on the quayside in the lovely lakeside town of Morges in Switzerland on Saturday 3rd October 2015 from 10 a.m. to 5 o’clock. Last year the event attracted more than 20,000 visitors and saw over 1600 classic British cars and motorbikes turn up from not only Switzerland, but many from France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands as well. Everything from MGs from the 1950s, Austins from the 1930s, racing Jaguars from the ‘60s, and old Rolls-Royces and Bentleys. Plus a number of excellent models of the 2-wheel variety, including classic Nortons, Triumphs and Royal Enfields from the golden age of English bikes. FREE ENTRY.

- 3rd-4th October 2015: Pony Games at the Centre Equestre in Divonne-les-Bains (France). Perfect for riding and pony-lovers of all ages! FREE ENTRY.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 4th October 2015: Portes Ouvertes at La Forêt Enchantée in Geneva. From 3pm until 5pm at the Villa Freundler (place de Saint-François 4) there will be a open coffee for families who would like to learn more about all the great activities organized by this local association, including their Cafés familiaux, which are a great way to make new friends! FREE ENTRY.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: “Tohu Wa Bohu en voyage – special Asie” story-time songs and music for children at Geneva’s MEG museum (in French). Suitable for toddlers from age 2, the first session will take place from 4pm to 4.45pm in the museum’s foyer, and the second one from 5pm until 5.45pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: Fête japonaise at the Salle des Fêtes in Carouge (37 rue Ancienne) from midday to 6pm. We went last year and had a great time watching some of the traditional dance, music & sumo shows and tasting some Japanese delicacies of course. My eldest boy also had a go at calligraphy, definitely a great day out for the whole family. Click here to see the full programme.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: “Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers?” – free guided tours for families and children aged 8+ and accompanied by an adult at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Sunday tours will take place at 2pm and 3pm on all floors.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: enjoy a unique tour of the city on the Geneva Historical Trams leaving from the Rive tram stop. A great way to see the city with young children — they will love riding the old city trams! During the summer, on the first Sunday of every month these “Trams touristiques” will be circulating from Carouge to Nations, Gare Cornavin, Eaux-Vives and the city centre. Tickets for a single ride are 8CHF and 12CHF for a day pass, children aged 6 to 16 pay a reduced fee.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: Fête de la Courge from 10am to 6pm at the Ecole primaire in Corsier (route de Corsier). This pumpkin festival features a scrummy local produce market with oodles of pumpkins, of course, as well as sausages, artisan bread and beer. The little ones can take part in kids activities and buy pumpkins for carving.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: Fête d’automne à l’Arboretum in Aubonne (VD). From 10am until 6pm there will be guided tours of the park and museum, candle-making workshops, brocante, make-your-own apple juice and more fun activities for the whole family. FREE ENTRY. You can find out more about the Arboretum du vallon de l’Aubonne in our previous post.

- Sunday 4th October 2015: La Fête de la Pomme in Péron and at the Verger Tiocan in Pays de Gex (France). Autumn is finally here so it’s time to enjoy its sweet harvest with this great family festival: there will be an apple market, activities for kids, freshly-pressed apple juice and much more! The apple festival will take place from 10am to 6pm at the Verger Tiocan. FREE ENTRY.
- Sunday 4th October-1st November 2015: 30e anniversaire des aquariums at the Musée du Léman in Nyon (VD). The museums celebrations will kick off on Sunday 4th of October with creative workshops, pottery, guided tours and a big birthday cake in honour of the museum! The museum will be offering more fun workshops for kids throughout the month of October: 7th October “Bricol’aqua” at 2pm , ages 5+; 14th October “Contes de poissons” story time starting at 2pm; 17th October “Big Fish” origami workshop for ages 7+ at 2pm; 24th October “Débuter un aqua” at 2pm for ages 8+. FREE ENTRY, places on the workshops listed above must be booked in advance at

- Wednesday 7th October 2015: La visite au fil des contes, guided tour and story-time for children conducted in French by Floriane Facchini at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The tour is open to all and FREE OF CHARGE, meet at level -2. Starting at 2pm until 3.30pm.

- Wednesday 7th October 2015: “Soleil qui es-tu?” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 7th October 2015: “Devenir petit Suisse”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Maison Tavel in Geneva, starting at 3pm. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th & Friday 9th October 2015: “Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers?” – free guided tours for families and children aged 8+ and accompanied by an adult at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Sunday tours will take place at 2pm on all floors.

- 7th-31st October 2015: Jardins Miniatures at Le CAIRN, villa du Jardin Alpin in Meyrin
(7 ch du Jardin alpin). This fun, interactive exhibition suitable from age 1 is full of sensory stations the little ones will love! Children can sit and touch Le Bac à son, Les Parapluies chantants, Les Chauds-sons and Les Coussins Rêveurs that represent, in a poetic way, different aspects of the natural world. The exhibition is open to the public on Wednesdays and Saturdays for group guided tours at 2pm; 3pm and 4pm. Entry is 5CHF per person, places MUST be booked in advance at 022 989 16 69 or

- Thursday 8th October 2015: Marché Sans Puces, an evening of shopping, live music, dancing and more at the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva (route des Acacias 45). From 5.30pm to 1am discover some of the coolest local designer, jewellery makers & artisans while you stroll around for the bargain of the year, drink in hand. Free entry.

- 8th-11th October 2015: Foire d’Antiquités, de la Brocante et du Design at the Parc des Sports in Morges (VD). FREE ENTRY.

- 9th-25th October 2015: Exposition-jeu d’éveil culturel : Ô Cézanne at the Espace Nouveau Vallon in Chêne-Bougeries (GE). Read all about it in our recent post! The vernissage will be on Thursday 8th of October 2015 at 6.30pm.

- 9th October 2015-31st January 2016: “Yakari, les Suisses à la rencontre des Amérindiens”, new temporary exhibition at the Musée des Suisses dans le Monde in Pregny (Geneva). Definitely one for comic books fans!

Musée des Suisses dans le Monde – Museum of the Swiss Abroad
- Saturday 10th October 2015: “Dinosaures, fossiles et autres aventures de la Terre Animation Géosciences”, a workshop and conference in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and dinosaurs, these free Saturday workshops in French start from the hall on the 3rd floor and take place at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

- Saturday 10th October 2015: Fête de Quartier de Plainpalais in Geneva, on rue Leschot and the Place des Philosophes, from 11am until 11pm. Children will have their own dedicated “Espace enfants” with fun workshops, face-painting, giant soap bubbles, merry-go-round, while adults will be able to enjoy dance shows and workshops, live music and Moroccan tea. FREE ENTRY. Thank you to la Forêt Enchantée for the info!

- Saturday 10th October 2015: Fête de la ludothèque La Marelle in Geneva ( Route des Franchises 54A), from 9.30am until 12.30pm. There will be breakfast, giant games, fun activities and the clown Filibert with his giant bubbles, magic tricks, juggling performances and balloon sculptures. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 10th October 2015: Retour des Alpages, traditional cattle descent festival in Annecy (France). This great festival will run from 9am until 6pm in the streets of Annecy’s old town, but the cow parade itself will take place at 2.30pm. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th October 2015: “Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers?” – free guided tours for families and children aged 8+ and accompanied by an adult at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Sunday tours will take place at 2pm on all floors (also at 3pm on Sunday 11th). The guided tour in English “Are we alone in the universe?” will take place at 11am.

- Saturday 10th October 2015: If you live near Lausanne, don’t miss the free kids festival Pully for Kids today Saturday 10th of October at the Maison pulliérane (Av. de Lavaux 60) from 2pm until 9pm. FREE ENTRY. The programme will include juggling shows, puppet shows at 6pm, baby disco at 8pm and much more!
- Saturday 10th October 2015: Scary Night at the Castle at the Château de Chillon in Veytaux near Montreux (VD). From 5pm to 11pm your little night owls can take part in this night-time adventure at one of Switzerland’s most breath-taking medieval fortresses. The castle will be lit with torches and filled with music, scary activities and a ghostly light installation on the castle’s walls by light designer Gerry Hofstetter. Entry is 15CHF per person or 35CHF for family tickets, free entry for children under 6.

- Saturday 10th October 2015: Les Potirons en Fête in Ornex (France) at the Salle Lavergne. If you’re taking part in their annual competition for the best carved pumpkin then you have to be there at 10am. For everyone else, the party will run from 2pm to 6pm with fun kids workshops, donkey rides, face painting, bouncy castles and much more. A HUGE thank you to Tamara Moon for sharing this info!

- Saturday 10th October 2015: Gourmandiv’ Festival in Divonne-les-Bains (France). A finger-licking fest dedicated to all things scrumptious, with plenty of free activities for kids including theatre shows, food tastings, free kids workshops and much more. Click here for full programme details, the festival will run from 10.30am to 5pm. FREE ENTRY.
- 10th-11th October 2015: Festival Champ Libre – Jeune Public at La Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates. This kids festival, suitable from age 3, is on its first edition and it will offer family shows, kids workshops, concerts, puppet shows and a family brunch. Click here to download the full programme. Tickets are 5CHF per person, for each show, workshop and for the brunch — they can be purchased from the Mairie in Plan-les-Ouates, online, or directly from La Julienne 30 minutes before each show.

- 10th-11th October 2015: Genève Fête son Terroir, a local Swiss festival perfect for the whole family. From yodel to pony rides for the little ones, this is a great day out for all ages! Click here for full details.
- 10th-11th October 2015: Festival de jeux LudiDARX, games festival in Prévessin-Moëns (salle Gaston Laverrière), suitable from age 3. Free entry for the whole family, choose from the wood-carving workshop or board games competitions.

- Sunday 11th October 2015: Marche de l’Espoir from 11am to 5.30pm on the Quai du Mont-Blanc in Geneva. This is a great charity event with activities for all the family, including live music, international food stalls, folk dance and face painting. The Marche de l’espoir is in support of the charity Terre des Hommes Suisse.

- Sunday 11th October 2015: the Maison Vaudagne in Meyrin (avenue de Vaudagne 16) will be celebrating “Pomme et raisin” season with a great family event! From 10am until 4pm there will be an apple market, freshly-pressed apple juice and activities for kids. FREE ENTRY. If you wish to have lunch there too, prices are 10CHF for adults, 5CHF for children aged 4 to 12 or 20CHF for a family ticket. Places for lunch must be booked in advance at 022 719 0800.

- Sunday 11th October 2015: Family Brunch at the Arboretum in Aubonne (VD). If you’ve never been to this spectacular national park, it’s well worth a visit and their Sunday brunches are quite scrumptious too! Places for the Brunch Familial must be booked in advance at +41(0)21 808 51 83 or online at — you can find out more about the Arboretum in our previous post.

- Sunday 11th October 2015: Ciné-brunch Gourmandiv’: Opération casse-noisette at the Esplanade du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains (France). The movie will be shown in French and will start at 11am – entry is free but if you’d like to take part in the Sunday brunch afterwards then the price for that is 10 euros for children aged 3 to 12 and 20 euros for adults. Places for the brunch must be booked in advance at the Divonne Tourist Office.

- 11th-15th October 2015: Olympic Week at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne. Were you born between 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2006? Good, then this is for you! Sign up for this great festival of sport in Lausanne, the Olympic Capital of the world. Get ready for five days of fun and sport during your holidays: more than 30 activities on offer at The Olympic Museum and in the Olympic Park for children aged 8 to 15, all FREE OF CHARGE. From archery to taekwondo, including bobsleigh, and not forgetting a tour of the brand new Olympic Museum. Click here to download the full programme in English.

- Tuesday 13th & Tuesday 20th October 2015: Ateliers vacances at the Château de Prangins (VD) for children aged 7 to 12, in French. The workshop on Tuesday 13th will be “Chasse au trésor” and running from 2pm to 4.30pm, the price per child is 10CHF including a snack. Places must be booked in advance at 058 469 38 90.
- Wednesday 14th October 2015: “Soleil qui es-tu?” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 14th October 2015: “Voyage autour du monde avec les plantes symboliques” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme. There will be another workshop this month on Wed. 28thth of October 2015.

- Wednesday 14th October 2015: “Mosaïques”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- Wednesday 14th October 2015: Balade au fil des mots et des sons, guided tour, ancient stories, music and legends from Japan for children aged 8+ (in French) at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The tour is free of charge but you have to buy a ticket to the MEG’s current Japanese exhibition. Starting at 2pm until 3pm.

- Thursday 15th October 2015: Fête pré-Halloween at the Ballon-Müller shop in Villars-Ste-Croix, near Lausanne (Croix-du-Péage 1 – Centre commercial NEW ADOC). From 10am until 4pm there will be pumpkin sculptures, free activities, face-painting and pumpkin soup from 11.30am. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 17th October 2015: “Dinosaures, fossiles et autres aventures de la Terre Animation Géosciences”, a workshop and conference in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and dinosaurs, these free Saturday workshops in French start from the hall on the 3rd floor and take place at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

- Saturday 17th October 2015: Halloween at Fort l’Ecluse on the Route de Genève in Léaz, Pays de Gex (France). From 5pm to 11pm your little witches and ghosts will take over the castle! Take part in all the activities including magician shows, face painting and eerie night tours of the fort. Entry tickets are 3 euros per person.

- 17th October-1st November 2015: during these school holidays Vitam’ in Neydens (France) will be offering many courses and activities for children. From Aqua-Bébé classes to free play and Escalade sessions — not to mention a fab Halloween Party on Friday 30th of October!! — you’ll find something to keep the children entertained. Places can be booked online or directly at Vitam’.

- Sunday 18th October 2015: “Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers?” – free guided tours for families and children aged 8+ and accompanied by an adult at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Sunday tours will take place at 2pm & 3pm on all floors.

- Sunday 18th October 2015: Balade au fil des mots et des sons, guided tour, ancient stories, music and legends from Japan for children aged 8+ (in French) at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The tour is free of charge but you have to buy a ticket to the MEG’s current Japanese exhibition. Starting at 4pm until 5pm.

- until 18th October 2015: “Plantes & Spiritualités”, a great exhibition and themed walk at the Botanical Gardens in Geneva. A perfect day-out for the whole family, with plenty of outdoor attractions for the little ones: a great playground, free zoo, merry-go-round and beautiful gardens of course! FREE ENTRY, open everyday from 8am to 7.30pm.

- 19th-23rd October 2015: Halloween Fun at Gymboree for 3 to 5 year olds at Gymboree in Grand-Sacconex (Geneva). This fun Halloween camp for 3 to 5 year olds will run from the 19th to the 23th of October from 9h00 to 12h00 (with drop-off between 8h30 and 9h00). Amongst the usual Gymboree activities kids will be having lots of Halloween fun! The cost is CHF 66 per morning. You can enrol for one or more sessions, please book your space in advance.

- 19th-23rd October 2015: Chaud les patates! FREE school holidays workshops for children aged 8+ at the Jonction public library in Geneva (Boulevard Carl-Vogt 22), running from 2pm until 5pm. Children will learn how to draw and illustrate «à la manière de Chaud» and paint a fresco together. FREE ENTRY, but places must be booked in advance at 022 418 97 12.
- 20th-23rd October 2015: “Vacances à la romaine”, holiday workshops in French for children aged 7 to 12 at the Musée romain de Nyon (9, rue Maupertuis). Workshops take place from 2pm to 4pm and cost 16CHF per child (for each workshop). Choose from breadmaking ancient Roman-style, mosaic or dressing up in the style of ancient Rome – places must be booked in advance at 022 361 75 91 or

- 20th-25th October 2015: Des vacances qui donnent la patate, school holiday workshops at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6+ accompanied by an adult are welcome to join these free workshops from 2pm to 5pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- Wednesday 21st October 2015: “Soleil qui es-tu?” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).

- Wednesday 21st October 2015: Halloween cupcakes workshop for children aged 4+ at Cupcakes & the City in Geneva (Rue des Vollandes 15, Eaux-Vives). The workshop will run from 3.30pm until 5.30pm and the price is 45CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 700 2843.

- 23rd-25th October 2015: Festival Salamandre at the Théâtre de Beausobre in Morges (VD). Discover all there is the know about the fascinating world of birds, with documentaries, a giant exhibition, fun workshops and story-times under the Mongolian yourte. Free entry for children under 6, open from 10am to 7pm on Friday and Saturday; from 10am to 6pm on Sunday.

- Saturday 24th October 2015: Journée Portes ouvertes à l’ONUG in Geneva. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN, the Palais des Nations will open its doors to the public this Saturday 24th of October from 10am until 5pm. FREE ENTR. The day’s programme will include free jazz concerts, traditional Thai dances, ballet, human rights movie screenings and free guided tours. Children will have plenty of fun activities organized for them in the gardens of the parc de l’Ariana, as well as puppet shows, games, quiz and tre…asure hunts in the “coin des enfants”.Visitors will be asked to show proof of identity, except children under the age of 13 who must be accompanied by an adult. There will also be a free TPG shuttle service running from the Gare Cornavin to the Place des Nations every 20 minutes between 11am and 5pm.

- Saturday 24th October 2015: “Dinosaures, fossiles et autres aventures de la Terre Animation Géosciences”, a workshop and conference in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and dinosaurs, these free Saturday workshops in French start from the hall on the 3rd floor and take place at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.
- Saturday 24th October 2015: Children’s Costume Parade in Château-d’Oex (Pays-d’Enhaut). A colorful parade and witches story-time for kids are the centrepiece of this great family event. The day’s programme will include pumpkin carving workshops and clown performances from 11am, followed by the kids parade at 5.30pm and giant afternoon snack for all at 6pm. FREE ENTRY, Château-d’Oex is 140 km from Geneva.

- until Saturday 24th October 2015: “Les Robots” exhibition and activity centre at the Balexert shopping mall in Geneva. Don’t miss the kids workshops where they can learn to build their own robot, or the giant Titan robot demonstrations! FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary. Take a look at their official website for exact workshop and show times.

- 24th-25th October 2015: Cité des Jeux at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne. Get ready for some serious family fun with games tournaments, games testing, workshops and fun games sessions for all ages, click here for full programme details. Opening times will be 10am to 6pm on both days. Tickets are 13CHF for children aged 3 to 14 and 15CHf for adults, family tickets for 2 adults and 2 kids are 51CHF.

- Sunday 25th October 2015: “Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers?” – free guided tours for families and children aged 8+ and accompanied by an adult at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Sunday tours will take place at 2pm & 3pm on all floors. The guided tour in English “Are we alone in the universe?” will take place at 11am.

- 25th October 2015: Lausanne Marathon, get ready for this great event which includes a Mini track for kids (2,6 or 4,2km); Walking (10km); Half Marathon (21km) and Full Marathon (42km). Participants to the 22nd Lausanne Marathon will set off on the mother of all athletic races on a path that is now well beaten between Lausanne and La Tour-de-Peilz and back. Advanced and intermediate runners will partake in an organization that has proven its worth nonstop since 1993.

- until 25th October 2015: “L’œil nu” a fantastic new exhibition suitable from age 7 at the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne (Vallée de la Jeunesse 1). The exhibition will teach your little ones everything there is to know about sight and vision, through a series of interactive stations. Alongside the exhibition there will also be a series of fun workshops for ages 7 to 12 called “Le Club des petits inventeurs”, from 2pm to 5pm on selected days. Click here to download the list of activities.

- until 25th October 2015: “Alison Elizabeth Taylor: Savage Root”, new art exhibition by Brooklyn-based artist Alison Elizabeth Taylor at the Musée – Château de Nyon (VD). This American artist has become well-known for reinvigorating the Renaissance craft of marquetry, or intarsia wood inlay, which she uses to depict contemporary scenes of rural and urban life.

- Wednesday 28th October 2015: “Soleil qui es-tu?” – Animation du mercredi from age 7 at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Exoplanètes”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).

- Wednesday 28th October 2015: “Crée ton livre sur les arbres!” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme.

- Wednesday 28th October 2015: Mukashi! Mukashi!, stories and legend from Japan told in French by Nathalie Jendly at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The activity is suitable from age 4 and it’s free once you purchase the ticket to the current MEG exhibition. Story time takes place from 2pm until 2.45pm, places must be reserved in advance at inscriptions.meg@

- Friday 30th October 2015: Dancing Party – Horror Night, exclusively for older children aged 12 to 16 at the Maison Vaudagne in Meyrin (16 Avenue de Vaudagne). The party will run from 8pm until 11pm, proof of identity required.

- until 30th October 2015: Piscine à boules – Delta Pop up at the Reseau Delta in Geneva (26 rue de la Corraterie). This fun free event revolves around a small balls pool open to children and adults, from Monday to Saturday from midday to 6pm. The event includes other free activities such as free massages, yoga sessions, smoothie tastings and more. FREE ENTRY. Safety notice: the balls pool is 80cm deep so it is not suitable for babies, toddlers and young children.

- Friday 30th October 2015: Soirée Halloween at Vitam’ Ludic in Neydens (France). This spooktacular Halloween party for children aged 5+ will begin at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm, there will be a competition for the scariest costumes, a baby disco, buffet and drinks. The party is suitable from age 5 and reserved only for kids. The price is 15 euros per child. Places must be booked in advance at the Vitam’Ludic office or on their website.

- 30th & 31st October 2015: Special Escalade Nocturne to celebrate Halloween at the Parc Aventure des Evaux in Geneva. If the weather is good, put on your scariest Halloween costume and join other monsters from 1pm to 4pm with no advance booking required. From 6pm to 11pm the scary party continues with an Halloween raclette party, live music and accrobranche nocturne but it is mandatory to book your place in advance at Spooky dress-up costumes are de rigueur!

- 30th October-1st November 2015: Baby & Kid Planet exhibition at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne, open from 10am to 6pm. Try out baby and kids activities like baby swimming, baby massage and LEGO workshops, as well as Zumba for pregnant women.

- Saturday 31st October 2015: La Fête du petit bétail in Carouge – Place de Sardaigne from 10am until 5pm. Children will love seeing the farm animals and sheep dogs, plus they will be able to watch how sheep are sheared and how goat’s cheese is made. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 31st October 2015: “Dinosaures, fossiles et autres aventures de la Terre Animation Géosciences”, a workshop and conference in French for kids aged 6+ at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). A fun way to discover more about fossils and dinosaurs, these free Saturday workshops in French start from the hall on the 3rd floor and take place at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm.

- Saturday 31st October 2015: free Halloween activities in Divonne-les-Bains (France) starting from 2pm. Join other children at the Rêve de Coccinelle toy shop (284 Grand rue) from 2pm for scary story time, giant games or head for the Office de Tourisme for Halloween face-painting, devils’ bowling and much more! FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 31st October 2015: free circus activities for children organized by the Meyrin shopping centre from 2pm until 6pm. Discover the world of and their staff, who will be running two circus-themed play areas for children at 2 locations inside the shopping centre (Coop and Migros entrances on the ground floor). MEYRIN CENTRE – 24, Avenue de Feuillasse – 1217 Meyrin.

- 31st October-1st November 2015: LE MEG FÊTE SON ANNIVERSAIRE, join in to celebrate the MEG Museum’s first birthday with live performances of Japanese drums, origami creative workshops, kids activities including dressing up in traditional Japanese kimonos, story times and guided tours. Find the complete list of activities on the MEG website. FREE ENTRY.

- 31st October-1st November 2015: Halloween Party at the Parc Pré Vert – Signal de Bougy in Bougy-Villars (VD). The Halloween celebrations at Signal de Bougy will take place on Saturday 31st of October and Sunday 1st of November. FREE ENTRY to all activities and no advance booking necessary.
Saturday 31st October – scary face-painting sessions from midday until 3pm
Sunday 1st November – Clown Olive show from 10am until 11.30am…
scary face-painting sessions from midday until 3pm
Kids parade at 2.45pm
Halloween show at 3pm

- 31st October-2nd November 2015: Halloween Party at C l’Aventure indoor play centre in Annemasse (France). There will be various Halloween activities throughout the month of October but for a proper Halloween night party make sure you are there on Halloween weekend from 10am to 7pm, ready to be spooked! There will be a pumpkin treasure hunt, face-painting and a best-Halloween-costume competition. All children dressed-up for Halloween will receive a free go-kart coin. Click here to see our previous post about C l’Aventure.

- until 1st November 2015: Festival P’tits Yeux Grand Ecran, film festival for children aged 2+ at the Cinéma Le Patio in Gex (France). This year’s theme is “Voyage en Europe” and there will be some great movie screenings everyday, take a look at the programme online for full details.

- Sunday 1st November 2015: Danse en famille, family dance workshop at the Ecole primaire de Cointrin in Meyrin (Chemin du Ruisseau 39) from 10am until 12pm. Suitable for children aged 5 to 10 (accompanied by a carer or family member) this is a great family workshop and it’s only 5CHF per person! Places must be booked online.
Tel. 022 989 16 69

- 1st November 2015-14th February 2016: “Histoire en Briques” at the Musée des Suisses dans le Monde in Pregny-Chambésy (GE). Read all about this fantastic and child-friendly new exhibition in our latest post!

- until 9th December 2015: INITIATION À L’ARCHITECTURE, Wednesday workshops for children aged 7 to 12 at the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva (Route des Acacias 45), organized by the Maison de l’Architecture. Workshops take place in the afternoon from 1.30pm and last 1 and a half hours. The price is 200CHF per term, places can be booked in advance at / + 41 (0)78 681 56 73 /

- until 10th January 2016: « Dans la peau de Hundertwasser » free exhibition at the Quartier Libre SIG in Geneva (Pont de la Machine, 1). The exhibition will showcase the architectural designs, original graphic works and paintings by Austrian artist Hundertwasser. Don’t miss the free Ateliers contes for children aged 5 to 12 on the 10th and 31st of October, and 10th of November from 10am until 11am.; as well as the Ateliers dimanche en famille for families with children aged 8 to 12 on the 11th of October, 1st and 29th of November from 10.30am until midday. FREE ENTRY, workshops must be booked in advance at +41 (0)22 420 75 75 or

- until 4th April 2016: Exoplanète, a great exhibition at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the first exoplanète, a planet situated outside our solar system by the Swiss astrophysicists from the Observatoire de Genève, Michel Mayor & Didier Queloz. This exhibition is accompanied by a number of kids workshops, guided tours, astronomical observation and many more events in the months to come.

- until May 2016: Exposition de la maquette de la ville de Genève. The architectural model of the city of Geneva looks pretty awesome, it comprises of 145 modules and it took 40 years to complete! It is now on display for the first time and open to the public on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11am until 6pm at the “Exposition de la maquette de la ville de Genève” — 25 rue du Stand — Geneva. The exhibition opened on the 15th of April 2015 and will run until May 2016. You can call +41 22 418 20 63 for more info or to book a guided tour.

- The permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.

I am Spanish speaker but I follow your blog and I love it.
I would like to ask you if you could please recommend me any place with activities in English for kids (age 2.5 and 5 years old)
I live in Onex but I do not have problem to go near by for a good activity.
Thank you for your blog and your help!
Hello, thank you for your message and welcome to our online community! You are welcome to join our Facebook page where we publish and share information about activities for young children. You can also look at our website http://www.genevafamily for activities your children will enjoy.
What about music classes at Music Together in Geneva or language classes at KEY English School? You can also try Gymboree. Have fun and please keep in touch! Best regards GFD