La Nuit des musées de Genève & “after en famille” will be taking place on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of May 2013.
This is the first time that the city’s museums will be opening their doors to the public at night and it sounds like it will be a fantastic weekend: the programme is filled with 163 events including workshops, guided tours, art performances and story-telling.
Here’s what’s in store…
Saturday 11th May 2013
Twenty-two museums will be taking part with a number of evening events and workshops kicking off at 5pm on Saturday night. All you have to do is purchase the 10CHF pass available from the 24th of April (shaped as a very cool white, pink and blue ring or bracelet!), which will also give you free access to public transport, TPG, CFF & Mouettes genevoises (périmètre unireso zone 10).

The programme for Saturday night sounds really exciting: enjoy a night tour of the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre in the old town or take part in a torch-lit visit to the Jardin botanique and its museum. Alternatively, set some time aside for a performance of “Mapping architectural” on the façade of the Musée d’art et d’histoire or for a POL live concert at the MEG Conches.

Sunday 12th May 2013 – Journée internationale des musées en Suisse
For those of us with children, Sunday is not to be missed. The organizers have called it «after en famille» and this is exactly what it will be: a fun-filled day with free access to the city’s museums and a deluge of exciting activities (all free of charge!), completely devoted to families and young visitors.
Sunday 12th of May is also the Journée internationale des musées, so one more reason to make the most of all the fab activities planned in the city of Calvin.

You can find the complete list of free family activities here. Personally I don’t know yet what we’ll go for: either the treasure hunts at the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre and at the Fondation Baur; or the puppet-making workshops at the Musée de Carouge…or maybe the «Cluedo» game at the MAH, where children will have to find out who killed Charles-Emmanuel de Savoie.
Sunday 12th of May will also be the grand opening of the brand new Espace MAH family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire, a modern space devised for the museum’s youngest visitors offering arts & crafts workshops from age 5.

If your little daredevils are looking for more action-packed fun, then they will love to discover all the secrets of the brave firemen at the Musée du Service d’Incendie et de Secours (from 5pm to 10pm on Saturday; from 10am on Sunday). Or what about a torch-lit visit at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle ? Who knows, they might even have a close encounter with a scary dino…
If you have very young children aged 2 to 5, don’t miss the “Atelier pour tout petits – Autrefois le monde” at the MEG Conches at 10am and 2pm – your little explorers will love it !

Saturday 11th May 2013: La Nuit des musées de Genève. Click here to download the .pdf file with the complete programme.
Sunday 12th May 2013: Journée internationale des musées & “After en famille”. Click here to see the complete list of family activities planned for Sunday.
The museums taking part in the “Nuit des musées & after en famille” include the following: Bibliothèque de Genève, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre et Site archéologique, Centre d’art contemporain, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Fondation Baur, Musée des Arts d’Extrême-Orient, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Maison de Rousseau et de la Littérature, Maison Tavel, Médiathèque, Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève, Musée Ariana, Musée d’art et d’histoire, Mamco, Musée Barbier-Mueller, Musée de Carouge, MEG Conches (Musée d’ethnographie de Genève), Musée d’histoire des sciences, Musée international de la Réforme, Musée de l’Ordre de Malte, Musée du Service d’incendie et de secours, Musée de la Société des Nations, Musée des Suisses dans le Monde, Muséum d’histoire naturelle.