If you’re spending the Easter holidays here with your little bunnies don’t miss “PâKOMUZé”, a fantastic initiative for the whole family taking place from the 29th of March to the 14th of April 2013.
PâKOMUZé (phonetic transcription of ‘Pâques au Musée’) will offer a series of fantastic kids activities across 28 museums in Lausanne, Pully and the Riviera vaudoise.
With over 60 activities to choose from, including Easter chocolate workshops at the Alimentarium, “P’tit tour au temps des princesses et des chevaliers” at the Musée historique de Lausanne and even police forensic workshops for 10 to 14 year-olds, you can rest assured your children won’t be bored during the Easter holidays.
Most activities require previous booking (click here for full details), so make sure you reserve your places when registrations open on Tuesday 19th of March 2013 at 12.30.
To book, go to Activités avec inscription, find the date and activity that you find most interesting, then click on the activity’s link for full details on how to make your “réservation”.

“PâKOMUZé” will also offer a series of activities that require no previous booking and are mostly free of charge, so click here to see the full list arranged by date.
What about a free “Safari botanique” (from age 6) at the Musée et jardins botaniques cantonaux in Lausanne? Or a “Jurassic Pâques” workshop making your own dinosaur’s chocolate eggs?
There are so many activities planned, and they all sound like great fun. Unfortunately, I can’t list them all here, so make sure you visit the PâKOMUZé official website to check them out and find those that your little buttons will enjoy more.
Have a great Easter break & eat as much choccies as you can…I know I will!