We’ve already posted about the “Ô Cézanne” exhibition at the Espace de la Jeunesse in Lausanne but when we actually visited it was so much better than we expected, so here’s some photos to show you how great it was.
First of all, it’s not just one but two fantastic family exhibitions in the same place. When you arrive at the Espace de la Jeunesse head straight for the Espace des Inventions round building: on the ground floor you will find the science exhibition “Les jeux sont faits !”, a fun journey through the science of statistics, while on the lower ground floor you’ll be able to visit the interactive Cézanne exhibition we raved about.
Even better than that, entry to the Espace des Inventions is free on the first Saturday of every month, which means that on Saturday 5th of April 2014 you can visit both exhibitions for free.
If you can’t make it tomorrow don’t worry, entry to the museum is very reasonable priced anyway (6CHF for adults, 4CHF for kids aged 7 to 12) and with one tickets you can still see both exhibitions at any time of the week.

1) “Les jeux sont faits !” on until the 27th of April 2014
You might have seen this exhibition at the Musée d’histoire des sciences de la Ville de Genève last year, but if you missed it this is a great chance to show your little muffins that maths can be fun (never thought I’d hear myself say that).
With different interactive stations and games, children can explore the meaning of probability calculations and how they can be used to predict possible outcomes. Definitely better suited to older children but still very entertaining – my little 3 y.o. was more into opening all the little doors and picking out blue/black socks at random than work out the probability riddles but still seemed to have a blast.

I have to admit some of it went right over my head, so I left Expat Husband to do all the explaining and quietly retreated to the reading area where I found these great maths books – a bit early for my children but will definitely keep them in mind for the not-so-distant future…

2) “Ô Cézanne” on until the 29th of June 2014
While the boys played roulette upstairs, Little Miss Cutie and I made a beeline for the Cézanne exhibition on the lower ground floor. The Espace des Inventions building is a bit dated, so the interior decor and art display don’t really blow your socks off as you come in, but the exhibition shows a really hands-on, sensitive approach to Cézanne’s work so stay with it if you can.
As you make your way along the different ‘easel stations’, you’ll see the little munchkins revel in dressing up as the old master with a panama hat & walking cane or rearranging fruit and pitchers to match some of Cézanne’s most famous paintings. We had a lot of fun doing all the puzzles, block building and spot-the-difference games until we decided it was time to stop and make some serious art of our own…

On the far side of the exhibition room there is a large area with a drawing table, paper & art supplies where you can sit with your little buttons and sketch to your heart’s content. Or, if you’re feeling more introspective, leaf through a selection of art books for kids.
All in all, a very effective cure for that rainy-days ennui & a lovely way to spend an afternoon out with the children!

Vallée de la Jeunesse 1
CH – 1007 Lausanne
At the Lausanne Maladière roundabout take the exit towards Ouchy (avenue de Rhodanie), then take the first road on the right (avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin). You can park here and then walk following directions for the Espace des Inventions.
“Les jeux sont faits !” on until the 27th of April 2014
“Ô Cézanne” on until the 29th of June 2014
Opening times:
Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 6pm.
Sunday & Bank Holidays 10am to 6pm.
The museum will be closed on the 26th of April 2014 for the “20 km de Lausanne” race.