Here’s our events listings for the month of November, remember to keep checking our blog on a general basis as we will be updating this post with more events each week !
- 30th October-16th November 2013: “Just So Stories” by Rudyard Kipling at the Simply Theatre Studios in Versoix (Centre de Choiseul, Avenue de Choiseul 23A). How did the cat learn to walk by himself? Why does the elephant have such a long trunk? Where did the camel’s hump come from? From the author of The Jungle Book, and through the deserts, jungles and oceans of the world, comes the classic Just So Stories, providing whimsical and witty answers for curious and creative children. From age 5, see the official website for ticket prices and exact performance times.

- 31st October-7th November 2013: Festival Tous Écrans in Geneva. This Festival is a unique event in Europe, offering a full panorama of the best current feature films, television series, made-for-television films and interactive documentaries since 1995. Check the programme online for full details of all events and screenings taking place – don’t miss the FAMILY DAY on Sunday 3rd November 2013 at the Maison des arts du Grütli, with plenty of fun workshops for the little ones. The festival is free of charge so one more reason to make the most of it !

- 1st November 2013: Bal d’Halloween at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (56 route de Frontenex) – from age 7, start time 7pm. This great literary ball is a great way to celebrate Halloween,don’t forget your scary costume ! Duration is a little over 1 hour, entry 10CHf for children and 15CHF for adults.

- 1st-3rd November 2013: Festival Japonais – Ikebana et Cérémonie du Thé at the Maison Chauvet-Lullin in Vernier (Rue du Village 57). Discover the mesmerising ritual of an authentic Japanese tea ceremony taking place at 6.40pm on Friday and at 4pm on Sat & Sun. There will also be ikebana demonstration, free entry.

- 2nd November 2013: “Une, aucune, 100 histoires” storytime from age 3 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 10am to 11am, free entry.
- Saturday 2nd November 2013: “A pas de loup” storytime from age 4 at the théâtre Micromegas in Ferney-Voltaire (24 bis rue de Meyrin). Show starts at 11am, see the official website to purchase your tickets.
- 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd November 2013: Family Factory, a fun introduction to contemporary art for children aged 3 and older accompanied by an adult at the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève (10, rue des Vieux-Grenadiers). The current exhibition is dedicated to British artist PABLO BRONSTEIN, and the workshop will focus on designing your dream house. Price is 10CHF for 1 adult plus 2 kids max, places must be booked in advance at 022 329 18 42.

- 3rd November 2013: Les “Contes à reBourg” in Lausanne begin their second season with a fun storytime for children: “1,2,3 PATATRAS!”. Doors open at 3 pm and story-time begins at 3.30pm. A fun workshop and a free snack will follow. Prices: 5.- /children, 10.-/ adults and 30.- for a family ticket (3 children & 2 adults). Place: Le Café Théâtre le Bourg, Lausanne.
- Sunday 3rd November 2013: FAMILY DAY on at the Maison des arts du Grütli, part of the Festival Tous Écrans in Geneva, with plenty of fun cinema workshops for the little ones. The festival is free of charge so one more reason to make the most of it !

- 3rd November 2013: “Le monde magique de Chantal Goya”, a delightful musical show for little ones at the Théâtre du Léman in Geneva. See the official website for more info and to reserve your tickets.

- until 3rd November 2013: Creativa Lausanne at the Expo Beaulieu (Avenue des Bergières 10). This is the biggest and most fun arts & crafts fair in the Suisse Romande, offering everything you need for your jewellery, home decor, sewing & knitting projects as well as a number of great practical workshops. See the official website for full programme details.

- Enjoy a relaxed, scrumptious family Sunday brunch – here’s a selection of child-friendly places we’ve tried and tested for you: Sunday brunch with kids & Sunday brunch in the sun.

- Sunday 3rd November 2013: Petits Rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO for little ones aged 5 to 10 accompanied by an adult. These fun, interactive visits for kids are free of charge and require no advance booking. Introduce your little ones to the joys of modern art with these great guided tours, which start at 3.15pm. There will be other tours on Wednesday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of November as well.
- 3rd & 6th November 2013: “Saska Circus”, a fun acrobatic & interactive show from age 3 at Le Manège in Onex (Route de Chancy, 127). Show starts at 2.30pm.

- 3rd November-1st December 2013: Le Cadeau de Noël, a perfect theatre show to get us all in the Christmas spirit ! Showtimes are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 3.30pm at the Théâtre Rodolphe Töpffer in Geneva (Avenue Eugène-Pittard 21). Visit the official website for more details and to book your tickets, our advice is to get there a bit earlier to get some good seats when doors open at 3pm.

- 5th November 2013: “Lire avec son bébé” at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis (Rue du Môle 17). Share a special moment with your baby or young toddler and introduce them to the magic of books – for ages 0 to 2, from 10am to 11am – free entry.
- 5th November 2013: “Voyage autour du conte et des histoires” storytime from age 4 at the library of La Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates from 4.30pm to 5.45pm. Free entry.

- 5th-13th November 2013: “Little Black Movie November sessions”, a selection of delightful short cartoons for children at the Cinémas du Grütli in Geneva (16, rue du Général Dufour); the Point Favre in Chêne Bourg (6, avenue F.-A. Grison); Salle Bellavista in Meyrin (39, avenue de Vaudagne); Cinéma-Théâtre de Onex (7, rue des Bossons) and the Maison des Quartiers de Thônex (39, route de Jussy). Let yourself be led on a voyage of discovery from Russia to China via Iran and Latvia, this will be a cinematic & truly magical experience for all ages. See the official website for full programme details.

- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “Atelier de fabrication de lanternes”, paper-lanterns workshop from age 7 (in French) at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 3pm to 5pm, free entry but places must be booked in advance at 022 418 32 44.
- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “Au coin du fourneau !”, workshop in French from age 8 at the Bibliothèque de la Jonction (Boulevard Carl-Vogt 22). Learn how to illustrate your favourite pumpkin recipes in this fun drawing workshop starting at 5pm. Free entry but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 97 1012.
- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “Pierres, cailloux et autres mystères”“, free storytime from age 5 at the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne (Place de la Riponne 6). Don’t miss these free storytimes on the first Wednesday of every month, start time at 2.45pm.

- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “SUPER-HÉROS DE L’ANTIQUITÉ”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 6th November 2013: Les Mercredis Grenadine 2013 | 2014 : spectacle enfants at Catalyse in Geneva (14 Rosemont, tram 12 – stop Grange-Canal). This week’s show starts at 3pm and is called “Voyage au pays de l’amitié”, a delightful show from age 3 dealing with friendship and all the treasures we keep hidden within our hearts. Tickets are CHF 10.– for children and CHF 15.– for adults, places must be reserved in advance at 022 700 64 75. The show will be followed by a delicious snack for all little ones, what better way to fend off a cold winter day ?

- Wednesday 6th November 2013: Les minis MiR “Titeuf rencontre Calvin” avec Zep, would you like to meet Zep, the famous illustrator and creator of Titeuf ? If so don’t miss this event at the Musée international de la Réforme in Geneva (4 Rue du Cloître): children aged 8 to 10 are welcome to take part in this fun workshop from 2.30pm to 4pm – reserve your places fast ! price is 15CHF per child and will include a snack offered by the boulangerie artisanale Le Panetier. YUM !

- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “Viens fabriquer ton livre des arbres” Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be 2 other workshops this month on Wed. 13th and 20th of November 2013.

- Wednesday 6th November 2013: Animation du mercredi at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place every Wednesday during the month of October from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 6th November 2013: “Saska Circus”, a fun acrobatic & interactive show from age 3 at Le Manège in Onex (Route de Chancy, 127). Show starts at 2.30pm.

- Wednesday 6th; Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November 2013: “AU LIT PETITE SOURIS”, a delightful puppetshow from age 4 by the theatre company Les Croquettes, at the caves de Versoix, ticket price 10CHF per person, reserve your places at 022 880 05 16 or
- 6th-24th November 2013: “Grand-père”, a poetic, whimsical puppet show for ages 1 to 3 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3). The show lasts 25 minutes, see the official website for exact showtimes and to reserve your tickets.

Texte et mise en scène: Guy Jutard
Interprétation: liviu Berehoï
- 6th-7th November 2013: Mac & Fred Winter sale in Commugny (route de Coppet 26a), stock up on some gorgeous winter pieces including accessories sourced in Paris & Florence. Open from 9am to 9pm on Wednesday and from 9am to 5pm on Thursday.

- 6th-24th November 2013: “LE JEUNE PRINCE ET LA VÉRITÉ”, a fun show from age 7 at Le petit théâtre in Lausanne (place de la Cathédrale 12). See the official website for performance times and to book your tickets.

- Friday 8th November 2013: Nuit du conte: Histoire de rire at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle in Geneva from 5.30pm to 9pm. Let yourself be carried away by some fascinating tales from all ages, see the official website for full details – free entry.
- Friday 8th November 2013: “Nuit du conte en Suisse”, a special celebration of story-telling for all, starting from age 2. Storytimes will be taking place in different locations across Geneva including the Museum of Natural History, la Maison de Quartier de Carouge & la Maison Onésienne, the Ferme Sarasin, the Biblioquartier des Grands-Hutins (ages 2-4 at 4pm with “Les histoires de Risette” and ages 5-10 at 4.45 with “Le roitelet qui rit”); the Fondation Baur & La Traverse. Free entry, click here to download the full programme.

- 8th-17th November 2013: Les Automnales at Geneva’s Palexpo is the city’s most exciting autumn event covering everything from home decor, health & gourmet food as well a large number of workshops for adults and children. Take a look at their official website for full programme details, don’t miss the chocolate & Christmas workshops and if you have children fret not, as they are fully catered for with a merry-go-round, bouncy castles with play area, face painting, an indoor petting farm and even Father Xmas ! Open Mon. to Sat. from 11am to 9pm; 10am to 7pm on Sunday. Entry is free for everyone on Wednesday 13th of November 2013.

- Saturday 9th November 2013: Atelier Pizza, every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am at Signal de Bougy. For ages 5 to 12, let your little ones learn the ropes of authentic pizza making with a professional pizzaiolo, they will also be able to eat up their yummy creations once they’re cooked. The workshop costs 20CHF per child, places must be reserved at or +41 58 568 31 50.
- Saturday 9th November 2013: “Né pour lire” session from 3pm to 3.45pm at the Bibliothèque de Carouge (boulevard des Promenades 2 bis). A fun, relaxed way to introduce your little ones from the age of 6 months to 4 years old to the joys of reading. Free entry, no advance booking necessary and nursing pillows available.
- Saturday 9th November 2013: “La nuit du conte” at the Château de Morges, from 5pm your little ones will be able to enjoy some lovely tales, while from 8pm parents will warm up with mulled wine and cake.

- Saturday 9th November 2013: Concert de Gaëtan “Les chocottes” (in French) at Le Point Favre in Chêne-Bourg. A fantastic concert from one of Switzerland’s best-loved children performers and song-writers. Concert starts at 3pm.
- 9th-10th November 2013: “Que d’histoires” a puppet show from age 2 inspired by the Brother Grimm’s Bremen town musicians tale at the théâtre Micromegas in Ferney-Voltaire (24 bis rue de Meyrin). Show starts at 11am, see the official website to purchase your tickets.
- Sunday 10th November 2013: “Oui-Oui et la grand carnaval” at the Arena Genève at 2pm and 5pm. Noddy comes to Switzerland with this adorable music show suitable from a very young age. The show is in French and tickets can be booked on the LiveMusic official website.

- 11th-12th November 2013: Fête des Lanternes in the Grottes neighbourhood in Geneva. take part in the paper-lantern workshop on the 11th of November (from 4pm to 7pm at the Pavillon Bleu, free entry) and then join the latern parade on the 12th of November 2013. Meet at 5.30pm at the place des Grottes, where the parade starts and enjoy the magical atmosphere, as well as the mulled wine & hot soup at the end !
- 12th November 2013: “Aux Milles Voyages”, song & storytime in French for little buttons (babies & toddlers) at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38, grand rue). From 9am to 11am, free entry no advance booking necessary.
- 12th November 2013: “Lire avec son bébé” at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis (Rue du Môle 17). Share a special moment with your baby or young toddler and introduce them to the magic of books – for ages 0 to 2, from 10am to 11am – free entry.
- 12th-17th November 2013: “Le Blues de Jean Lhomme”, a unique jazz storytime from age 9 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). Click on the theatre’s official website for a little taster and to book your tickets – this is definitely a show like no other !

- Wednesday 13th October 2013:“It’s Storytime”, free storytime in English for ages 2 to 7 (but babies, toddlers and younger siblings are welcome) at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38, grand rue). The storytime session will run from 9.30am to 11am and the theme will be “Autumn & back to school”. See the official website for full details.
- Wednesday 13th November 2013: “PRENDS LA MACHINE À REMONTER LE TEMPS!”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).

- Wednesday 13th November 2013: Animation du mercredi at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place every Wednesday during the month of October from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 13th November 2013: “La boîte à images”, a fun, interactive clown show from age 4 at Le Spot, Maison de Quartier de Chêne-Bourg (2 rue François Perréard). Show starts at 3pm, tickets cost 6CHF for children and 14CHF for adults and must be reserved well in advance.

- Wednesday 13th November 2013: Rendez-vous conte, storytime from age 5 at the Bibliothèque de Vernier (Rue du Village 57) from 2pm to 3pm. Free entry.
- Wednesday 13th November 2013: Calendrier de l’Avent ages 7 to 13 (in French), 20CHF per child. Get in the Xmas spirit with this kids workshop at Signal de Bougy (VD). From 3.30pm to 5.30pm your little ones will learn how to make their own advent calendar, see the official website for more info and other Xmas workshops planned for the 27th of November & 11th of December 2013.

- Wednesday 13th November 2013: “Direction Neverland, le pays où l’on ne dit jamais jamais”, a special reading and talk for children aged 9 and older linked to the Peter Pan show by the Cie de L’Artifice at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva. This fun, engaging Peter Pan reading will take place at the Bibliothèque des Eaux-Vives (Rue Sillem 2) at 3pm.
- Wednesday 13th November 2013: “Les palmiers du Jardin botanique,un monde extraordinaire” Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme. There will be another workshop on Wed. 20th of November 2013.

- Wednesday 13th November 2013: “Toute Petite Nuit”, an adorable show for little ones aged 1 and older at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge. The show is free of charge so hurry and reserve your places for the 2.30pm or 3.15pm session. Enjoy !
- Saturday 16th November 2013: Atelier Pizza, every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am at Signal de Bougy. For ages 5 to 12, let your little ones learn the ropes of authentic pizza making with a professional pizzaiolo, they will also be able to eat up their yummy creations once they’re cooked. The workshop costs 20CHF per child, places must be reserved at or +41 58 568 31 50.

- 16th November 2013: “Une, aucune, 100 histoires” storytime from age 3 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 10am to 11am, free entry.
- 16th November 2013: Nuit du Jeu at the Ludo St-Prex (Centre du Vieux-Moulin, 1162 St-Prex VD) from 4pm to 10pm. Free entry, food, games and fun for all the family is guaranteed !

- 16th November 2013: the Nyon’s toy library celebrates its 35th year with a fantastic party at the Salle Communale de Nyon (Place Perdtemps). From 1.30pm to 6pm, take part in the fun activities, giant games and much more – there will also be a music show at 2pm don’t miss it ! Free entry.

- 16th-17th November 2013: “AU ROYAUME DES ELFES ET DES LUTINS”, a delightful puppetshow from age 4 by the theatre company Les Croquettes, at the salle communale de Puplinge. Ticket price 10CHF per person, reserve your places at 022 880 05 16 or
- 16th-17th November 2013: Brunch du soir & brocante at la ferme de Merlinge. Our favourite farm in Geneva will soon be closing so please join them for this celebration of their fantastic 25 years of business, with a delicious Saturday evening brunch and a weekend sale of all their homemade products and decorative items. The brocante sale will be open from 9am to 8pm all weekend while the evening brunch at candlelight will be taking place on Saturday 16th from 5pm to 9pm – 40CHF per person, places must be reserved in advance. See the official website for full details.

- 16th-17th & 23rd November 2013: Family Village, a fantastic indoor event for the whole family at the Halle CFF in Morges (ages 0 to 12), with plenty of activities to keep your little ones entertained for the whole day. From climbing to an indoor petting farm and sports activities, this is really a great family day-out. Entry is free for children under the age of 2 and 25CHF per person for older children and adults. See the official website for full details, or read our previous post to find out more about our visit to Family Village last year.

- 17th November 2013: “Louis XIV, un Roi danseur” at the Salle des Fêtes du Lignon (Place du Lignon 16) at 3pm. This dance theatre show offers a fascinating insight into the role of dance & music at the court of King Louis XIV, a baroque feast for the eyes and soul ! Tickets are 10CHF per person.

- 19th November 2013: “Lire avec son bébé” at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis (Rue du Môle 17). Share a special moment with your baby or young toddler and introduce them to the magic of books – for ages 0 to 2, from 10am to 11am – free entry.
- 19th November-1st December 2013: Peter Pan, a fantastic show (in French) from age 9 at the Théâtre Am Stram Gram in Geneva (Route de Frontenex 56). Far from the Disney adaptation, this great show will go back to the roots of Matthew Barrie’s all time childhood classic. See the official website for exact performance times and to book your tickets.

- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Mercredis des sciences” for children aged 8 to 11 at the Musée d’histoire des sciences, Genève. These fun scientific workshops are free of charge but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 50 60 or, all sessions are in French and take place from 2pm to 4.30pm. The session on the 20th of November is called “Planètes, étoiles: la tête dans le ciels!”
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Mon beau sapin” Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to donwload the full programme.

- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “À TIRE-D’AILE”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Colourful Night” kids workshop from age 6 organized by La Lucarne in Geneva (Arcade Plateforme, rue John Grasset 5). This fun art workshop focus on the work of Van Gogh and it runs from 2pm until 3.30pm. The price of 39CHF per child includes a snack but the cost of materials is excluded. Read our previous post to find out more about La Lucarne.

- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Picasso!” kids workshop from age 7 organized by La Lucarne in Geneva (Arcade Plateforme, rue John Grasset 5). This fun art workshop focus on the work of Picasso and it runs from 2pm until 3.30pm. The price of 39CHF per child includes a snack but the cost of materials is excluded. Read our previous post to find out more about La Lucarne.
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Aux couleurs de l’hiver”, drawing and painting workshop in French from age 6 at the Bibliothèque des Pâquis (Rue du Môle 17), from 2.30pm t0 5.30pm. Free entry.
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Nico raconte aux petiots”, storytime and book reading from age 4 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette (Rue Veyrassat 9). Starts at 2.30pm, free entry.
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: Animation du mercredi at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place every Wednesday during the month of October from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 20th November 2013: “Tournicoti”, story-time from age 4 at the Société de Lecture in Geneva (11, Grand’Rue). From 3.30pm to 5pm, story-time will end with a shared snack included in the price. Tickets are 10CHF for children and 15CHF for adults for members, and 15CHF/20CHF for non-members.

- 20th & 23rd-24th November 2013: “JAGUAR PLANTE UN ARBRE”, a delightful puppetshow from age 4 by the theatre company Les Croquettes, at the salle communale de Chambésy. Ticket price 10CHF per person, reserve your places at 022 880 05 16 or
- Friday 22nd November 2013: Swap & Shop Party at St Prex (VD). Get ready to swap your old wardrobe staples with some exciting new pieces, as well as enjoying a tasting of local Swiss wines ! The Swap party starts at 7pm, register online to make sure you won’t miss it.

- 22nd November-24th December 2013: Montreux Noël, an unmissable event if you’d like to kick off the festive season in style: from the shores of Lake Geneva to the neighbouring mountain tops, Montreux Noël offers many activities centred around its traditional Christmas Market. You can visit Santa, who comes directly from faraway Lapland to his house at the Rochers de Naye, discover an authentic Christmas Village in Caux, or stroll through a medieval market and attend a story festival within the walls of the legendary Château de Chillon. Visit the official website for exact opening times and take a look at our previous post to find out how much we enjoyed our visit last year !

- 22nd November-31st December 2013: “Festival Lausanne Lumières”, with no less than thirteen original artistic illuminations installed in the heart of Lausanne. Each one of them will be using light as main element to give the city a contemporary, innovative and enchanting atmosphere during six weeks. The «Nuit du Festival» on the 22nd of November 2013 will inaugurate the festival with guided tours specially dedicated to families (only in French). Each child will receive a Chinese lantern to travel along the festivals route. What a great start to the activities organized for the Christmas holidays!

- Saturday 23rd November 2013: Atelier Pizza, every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am at Signal de Bougy. For ages 5 to 12, let your little ones learn the ropes of authentic pizza making with a professional pizzaiolo, they will also be able to eat up their yummy creations once they’re cooked. The workshop costs 20CHF per child, places must be reserved at or +41 58 568 31 50.
- Saturday 23rd November 2013: “ENQUÊTE ET MYSTÈRES À LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE”, a great mystery party from age 10 at the Bibliothèque de Carouge, be there to solve the mystery at 6pm or for the later session at 9pm. Places must be reserved in advance.
- Saturday 23rd November 2013: “Histoires à danser” a fun, interactive dance show for ages 3-4 at La Madeleine des enfants in Geneva (16, place de la Madeleine). Book your places now for the 2.30pm show (3.30pm is already fully booked) at 022 810 18 90. Tickets 5CHF per person.
- Saturday 23rd November 2013: Showcase Sonia Grimm at the Chavannes Shopping Centre from 3pm. Enjoy a fun preview of Sonia Grimm’s new Xmas show, followed by a free snack for all children attending.

- Saturday 23rd November 2013: Atelier pop’up, a fun workshop in French from age 7 at the Bibliothèque de Saint-Jean (Avenue des Tilleuls 19, entrée rue Miléant). From 2pm to 5.30pm, entry is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 92 02.
- 23rd-24th November 2013: Le Pop-up Cirkus, an endearing theatre show from age 2 at the Espace Vélodrome in Plan-les-Ouates. The story unfolds through the pages of a giant pop-up book, see the official website for full details and to book your tickets.

- 24th November 2013: 6e Journée de jeux en famille at the salle communale in Plainpalais. What a great opportunity to spend a fun day all together as a family, trying out some challenging board games that will bring out your competitive side! Take part in the puppetry & shadow theatre kids workshops too and enjoy a ride on the carrousel in the courtyard outside. Free entry, opens at 10am.

- 25th November 2013: 1001 histoires en langue espagnole, music & storytime in Spanish for children aged 0 to 6 accompanied by an adult at the Bibliothèques de la Ville de Lausanne / Jeunesse (Avenue d’Echallens 2A). From 9.30am to 10.30am, free entry.

- Wednesday 27th November 2013: “À LA BELLE ESCALADE!”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at or by phone at 022 418 25 00. On Wednesday afternoons until December 2013 you can also take part in the museum’s “Visites-ateliers: Initiation à l’histoire de l’art” (ages 6-8 and 9-12). This is a cycle of 5 tours unveiling the most fascinating secrets of art history, each visit is followed by a creative workshop. On Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm, 10CHF each session (places must be booked in advance).
- Wednesday 27th November 2013: “C’era una volta un re”, storytime in Italian from age 3 at the Bibliothèque de la Cité (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5). From 3pm to 4pm, free entry but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 32 44. Buona lettura !

- Wednesday 27th November 2013: Animation du mercredi at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (1, route de Malagnou). In connection with the current exhibition “Nos oiseaux”, these free Wednesday workshops will take place every Wednesday during the month of October from 2pm to 4.30pm (second floor).
- Wednesday 27th November 2013: Calendrier de l’Avent ages 7 to 13 (in French), 20CHF per child. Get in the Xmas spirit with this kids workshop at Signal de Bougy (VD). From 3.30pm to 5.30pm your little ones will learn how to make their own Xmas garland, see the official website for more info and other Xmas workshops planned for the 11th of December 2013.
- 27th November-1st December 2013: Marché de Noël au Château de Coppet, one of the most elegant, exquisite and charming Xmas markets in the area, taking place in the beautiful setting of Coppet Castle’s gardens and interior rooms. Get ready to celebrate in style – this is the place to go for unique gifts and stocking-fillers and the best setting to soak up all the festive magic you crave. To find out all about it, read the post by our guest blogger Laura Vidale!

- 28th November 2013: Lire avec son bébé : comptines et jeux de doigts, baby story & music time at the Bibliothèque de Saint-Jean (Avenue des Tilleuls 19, entrée rue Miléant), perfect for ages 0 to 2. From 10am to 11am, entry is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 92 02.
- 29th November 2013: “Sonnez les matines”, song & storytime in French for little buttons aged 0 to 4 at the Bibliothèque Aux Mille Feuille in Gland (38, grand rue). From 9.30am to 10.30am, free entry no advance booking necessary.
- Saturday 30th November 2013: Atelier Pizza, every Saturday morning from 10am to 11am at Signal de Bougy. For ages 5 to 12, let your little ones learn the ropes of authentic pizza making with a professional pizzaiolo, they will also be able to eat up their yummy creations once they’re cooked. The workshop costs 20CHF per child, places must be reserved at or +41 58 568 31 50.

- Saturday 30th November 2013: Croqu’ Livres, take your little book-eating monsters to the Bibliothèque de la Cité in Geneva (Place des Trois-Perdrix 5) for a little literary snack: they will partake in some fun story-telling and pick some of the best kids books as recommended by the library’s staff. From 10am to midday, free entry.
- Saturday 30th November 2013: Xmas storytelling in French at the Marché de Noël au Château de Coppet (VD), from 11.30am to 12.15pm. Free entry.

- Saturday 30th November 2013: Drôle de petit ange, cartoons workshop from age 7 at the Bibliothèque de la Servette (Rue Veyrassat 9). Starting at 3pm, entry is free but places must be reserved in advance at 022 418 37 82.
- Sunday 1st December 2013: the first Funky Brunch in Geneva ! Read all about it in our previous post and book your table now as places are limited.

- 14th December 2013: Christmas Family Run in Divonne-les-Bains (France). The race is in support of the Association Enfance et Cancer. The race starts at 3.30pm on the Esplanade du Lac and ends between 4.30-5pm at the Office de Tourisme in Divonne. Participants pay 29€ per person. The race will be accompanied by many family-friendly activities, ice sculptures, live music, ice bar and much more !
- until December 2013: Indestructible énergie, an interactive exhibition about energy at the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne. The exhibition is tailored for your budding scientists and makes learning about energy fun & engaging !

- The exhibition “Universe of Particles” at the iconic Globe of Science and Innovation will plunge the little visitors into the fascinating world of the tiniest and biggest particles which make up our universe.From walking through luminous spheres to exploring CERN’s legendary accelerators physics has never been more engaging !Admission to “Universe of Particles” is free, from Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm at the Globe of Science and Innovation in Meyrin. Click here for the exhibition brochure.
- The new permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.
- until 6th December 2013: Sous la Lune II – Voyage dans la ville, a fun and interactive art installation at the Forum Meyrin (Place des Cinq-Continents 1), suitable from age 6. 50 m2 of space and 1,000 pieces of metal will be on hand for the children, who will be able to build their dream city. This interactive installation by artist Miguel Navarro (concept: Atelier des enfants, Centre Pompidou, Paris) is a truly fascinating piece of art, a giant game that the whole family will enjoy. See the official website for full details.

- until 5th January 2014: “Sel”, a fun & interactive exhibition about salt at the Musée de la main in Lausanne (Rue du Bugnon 21). Learn all there is to know about this essential condiment, how it is produced, collected and digested by our bodies. This is a perfect exhibition for the whole family, see the official website for a complete list of the upcoming kids’ workshops: “Le goût” (ages 4-7); “La chimie amusante du sel” (ages 6-13); “Le fabuleux voyage intérieur de Monsieur Grindsel” (ages 8-12).

- until 12th January 2014: BÊTES EN STOCK: Nouvelles collections at the Musée de Zoologie in Lausanne (Palais de Rumine, Place de la Riponne 6). A small but fascinating insight into how the collections of the museum are preserved and studied – your little ones will love watching the butterflies and insects up close ! Open Tuesday to Sunday, entry is free on the first saturday of every month and is always free for children under the age of 16.

- until 12th January 2014: «Toutankhamon – son tombeau et ses trésors», a fascinating exhibition which reconstructs the tomb and funerary treasure of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, as it would have appeared to the eyes of Howard Carter, the British archaeologist who discovered it in 1922. See the exhibition’s official website for full details. At Geneva Palexpo Halle 7, open everyday from 10am to 7pm. Entry tickets are on special offer on Mondays at 16CHF per person.

- until 2nd February 2014: “Le Blé, l’autre Or des Romains” at the Musée Romain de Nyon (9 rue Maupertuis). In ancient Roman times corn was an essential part of everyday life, which made it very precious. Corn was also a tool of power in the hands of the Roman emperors and this fascinating exhibition explores how it affected Roman society in all its aspects: food, economics, trade, politics and even religion. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm until the month of November. From November until March opening times will be 2pm to 5pm.

- until 2nd March 2014: “Palmes & Co. exposition-promenade” at the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques in Geneva, one of Switzerland’s most important collection of palm trees. Close your eyes and pretend summer is still here as you stroll through the Botanical Garden’s beautiful lawns and spot all the different varieties of palm trees. The Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques are a great place for families, so make sure you make the most of their small zoo and fantastic playground. Open everyday from 8am to 7.30pm, see the botanical gardens’ official website for full details and a complete list of their guided tours.

- until 30th April 2014: An Artist’s Delight temporary exhibition at the Alimentarium in Vevey. Check the official website for un updated list of all available children’s and family workshops – you can also read about our visit to the Alimentarium in this post: trust us, it’s a great family day-out !