Have you made any resolutions for the new year? Let me guess…is one of them learning to take things a bit slower, relax and don’t stress as much? Well this one is definitely on my 2014 to-do list but I think many mums might share the same feeling, especially at this time of year.
I have just received the following information about new meditation courses offered by the bibliothèques de Carouge so timing couldn’t be more perfect!
Here’s all the details, please remember to reserve your place as soon as possible as courses are free and fill up fast. Courses will be held in French and are only open to adults (no children allowed).

Hiver méditatif – bibliothèques de Carouge
- Thursday 6th February 2014: “La méditation… Un mode de vie ? Vous verrez…”. An easy introduction to meditation by Sandra Azzam starting at 7.30pm. How does meditation work? How can it benefit your life? This is the opportunity to find out! The session will be held at the Bibliothèque de Carouge (Bd des Promenades 2 bis), entry is free but places must be reserved asap at animations-bibliotheques@carouge.ch or online.
- 10th February-31st March 2014: “Carpe diem !”, learn to live in the moment and in touch with your emotions. Meditation is the perfect medium to explore this, so take advantage of these lunchtime workshops at the BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins in Carouge (Rue de la Tambourine 3). Sessions run every Monday (10th Feb-31st March 2014) from midday to 1.30pm, entry is free but places must be reserved asap at animations-bibliotheques@carouge.ch or online. You can reserve places for one or more workshop, if places are available.
Hiver méditatif
Bibliothèque de Carouge (Bd des Promenades 2 bis)
BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins in Carouge (Rue de la Tambourine 3)