Easter is just around the corner, so if you’re in town during the Easter break take a look at the listings below for some great family and child-friendly events, including some fab egg hunts for the little ones!
Remember to keep checking this post for all the latest events we’ll be posting soon.
- Saturday 12th March 2016: if there are any budding pirates in your household, you won’t want to miss the “Carnaval pirate” in Saint Genis Pouilly (France) on Saturday 12th of March 2016. Activities will kick off at 10.30am with the kids’ costume parade and there will be games and kids workshops from 1.30pm until 6pm in the centre of town and at the Centre Culturel Jean Monnet (11 Rue de Gex). FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 19th March 2016: Carnaval in Chavannes-de-Bogis (VD). Celebrations will begin at 2pm with the Guggenmusik and kids costume parade through the centre of the village. From 3pm onwards there will be fun activities, music and games at the Salle Communale. The Bonhomme d’Hiver bonfire will start at 6pm. FREE ENTRY.
- Saturday 19th March 2016: Easter cupcakes workshop for children aged 4+ at Cupcakes & the City in Geneva (rue des Vollandes 15). The workshops will run from 3.30pm until 5.30pm, the price is 45CHF per person or 40CHF each for two participants or more. Each child will take home 3 yummy cupcakes they decorated themselves! Places must be booked in advance at 022 700 28 43.

- 19th-20th March 2016: Pâques en fête, Easter family event at the Musée romand de la machine agricole in Gingins (VD). From 10am until 5pm there will be Easter workshops for children, an artisan market and an “Easter farm” with hopping bunnies, chickens and trained shepherd dogs. Entry is 5CHF for adults and FREE FOR CHILDREN.

- 19th-20th March 2016: great Easter events in the Nyon region including the first Salon de l’Oeuf Décoré in Nyon and the Marché de Pâques, see flyer below for more info.

- 19th March-3rd April 2016: take a stroll in the pretty lakeside village of Nyon (VD) to look at their decorated Easter fountains, then stop at the superb playground or at the Musée du Léman. If the little ones get a bit peckish, try a crêpe from Tac-OH or a delicious Italian ice-cream from Gelateria Venezia or Manu – il gelato italiano.

- Sunday 20th March 2016: Giant Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am from the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais, Geneva. There will be over 500 chocolate eggs to be found so make sure you’re there on time! FREE ENTRY.
- Wednesday 23rd March 2016: get ready for Easter with a fun snack time at the Ludothèque du Petit-Saconnex in Geneva (Chemin de Genêts 14), starting at 3pm.

- Thursday 24th March 2016: Décoration d’œufs au Parc Gourgas, take part in this fun kids workshop and decorate your Easter eggs! FREE ENTRY. The workshop will run from 2pm to 6pm at the Parc Gourgas in Geneva, in case of bad weather it will be held at the Maison de Quartier de la Jonction (18bis, avenue de Sainte-Clotilde). The workshop is organized by the Maison de Quartier de la Jonction.

- 24th March-3rd April 2016: Yatouland Easter, the indoor play centre in Vernier (Chemin de Batailles, 22) will be exceptionally open for the Easter break from 11am until 6pm. Entry will be 15CHF per child and there will be many fun activities including an Easter egg hunt on Monday 28th of March 2016.

- 25th-27th March 2016: Mosaïque de Pâques at the Place de la Navigation in Ouchy (Lausanne). Don’t miss this unique Easter mosaic composed with 34,300 painted eggs, created in support of the ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer. From the 25th to the 27th of March, the painted eggs will be sold (CHF 1 each) on the Place de la Navigation with the aim of creating a giant mosaic. There will also be various stalls, events and catering on site. FREE ENTRY. All the proceeds from the event will go towards ARFEC’s work enabling families to accompany their children during hospitalisation.

- 25th March-3rd April 2016: Easter egg hunt and fun activities for children at C L’Aventure indoor play centre in Annemasse (France). The indoor play centre will be open from 10am until 7pm except for the 25th, 29th, 31st March and 1st of April 2016. Entry is free for children under the age of 1; 6.50 Euros for children aged 1 to 3 and 10.00 Euros for ages 4 to 12.

- 25th March-10th April 2016: Pâkomuzé, family activities across 36 museums in Lausanne, Pully, Yverdon & the Vaud riviera. The 11th edition of “PâKOMUZé” is back this year to keep your little munchkins entertained during the Easter holidays. The objective of PâKOMUZé (phonetic transcription of ‘Pâques au Musée’) is to offer a selection of great kids activities ranging from police forensic workshops for 10 to 12 year-olds at the UNIL Lausanne to Easter chocolate workshops at the Alimentarium and “Princesses & Knights Tours” at the Musée historique de Lausanne. Most activities require previous booking, so make sure you reserve your places when registrations open on the 10th of March 2016.

- 25th March-10th April 2016: Jayland indoor play centre near Lausanne will be open during the Easter school holidays from 10am until 6.30pm!

- 26th-28th March 2016: Chasses aux oeufs au Vitam’Ludic, Easter egg hunts at Vitam’ indoor play centre in Neydens (France). Starting at 10am and open to children aged 4 to 12. The Egg Hunts will take place in the Grands jeux section. Free activity but participants will need to buy an entry ticket to the Grands jeux section.

- 26th-28th March & 9th-24th April 2016: and one more Easter egg hunt, this time in the company of Father Xmas at the Hameau du Père Noël in nearby France! The egg hunt will take place on the 26th, 27th and 28th of March and from the 9th to the 24th of April 2016.

- Sunday 27th March 2016: Chasse aux œuf de Pâques at Parc Pré Vert du Signal de Bougy (VD). The Easter egg hunt will start at 11am and finish at 12pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking necessary. You can read more about the Parc Pré Vert du Signal de Bougy in our previous post.

- Sunday 27th March 2016: “Grande chasse à l’oeuf, dimanche de Pâques”, a great Easter egg hunt for children under 10 in the lovely gardens of the Château de Voltaire in Ferney-Voltaire (France). Entry is 3 Euros per child, no advance booking necessary. From 10am to 1pm.

- Sunday 27th March 2016: “Pâkochâto!” at Chillon Castle (VD). As part of the PâKOMUZé events, Chillon Castle invites visitors to decorate its Easter tree, in keeping with an old German tradition. An Easter-egg painting workshop is offered to children 4 to 12 years old on Easter Sunday. The event will run from 10am until 4pm, the price is 11CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance via the Pâkomuzé website.
- Sunday 27th March 2016: Chasse aux oeufs de Pâques at Fort l’Écluse (France) from 10am until 4pm. The entry price is 2,5 euros per person. Fort l’Écluse, Lieu-dit “Longeray”, Route de Genève, 01200 Léaz (France).

- Monday 28th March 2016: Easter egg hunt at Yatouland, the indoor play centre in Vernier (Chemin de Batailles, 22). Entry will be 15CHF per child and there will be many fun activities.

- 29th March-1st April 2016: Easter Camps at Key English School, for children aged 4 to 10. Camps will be held in Corsier or Genthod for the Geneva area and in Riponne for Vaud. The camps are suitable for all levels of English.
- 29th of March-2nd of April 2016:“Les ateliers de Suzie” Easter workshops in French for kids aged 6 to 12 at Meyirn shopping centre from 2pm until 5.30pm. FREE ENTRY. Activities will be as follows: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – creative workshops, egg decoration & colour-your-own Easter rabbit. Wednesday – Easter egg hunt. Saturday – Easter snack and a visit from Jeannot Lapin.

- Sunday 3rd April 2016: Easter activities for families and children aged 6+ at the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). Bring your own cooked eggs to decorate, then take part in the best-egg competition starting at 2pm and the egg battle at 4pm – the event will run from 2pm to 6pm in the museum’s auditorium. FREE ENTRY.