True to my gluttonous nature, I was overjoyed to receive an invitation to savour the new bar menu at Le Richemond in Geneva. To make this foodie premiere even better, I was joined by a group of lovely & enthusiastic Genevan bloggers who share my passion for great cuisine & writing – what more can a blogger ask for?

In between delighted camera snaps, we were treated to some truly scrumptious tasters of Le Richemond’s new Balik salmon, wasabi & squid-ink macarons, followed by nuggets de poulet, velouté de tomates and Croque-richemond (a signature variation on the French all-time classic croque-monsieur). The juicy burger, made with 100% Swiss beef and accompanied by chunky chips, got the thumbs-up from all gathered round the table.

The grand dessert finale included not only a tasting of the new menu’s éclairs au chocolat, moelleux au chocolat & tiramisù, but also a behind-the-scenes visit to the hotel’s renowned kitchen, where this heavenly magic happens every day.

Needless to say, I absolutely loved everything about this exquisite event, but my thoughts are never far away from the needs of an expat family living in Geneva so I made sure that I could come away with a complete list of all family-friendly events and services that Le Richemond Geneva has to offer, so here it goes!
Christmas at Le Richemond: if you’re in Geneva over the festive period and you’d like to treat your family to some luxe pampering, take a look at the special Christmas packages on offer at Le Richemond, including special room rates, as well as Xmas Eve, Xmas and New Year’s menus.
Little travellers staying at Le Richemond at any time of the year will also receive these adorable cuddly toys, fluffy mini slippers and Arran Aromatics bath treats with lavender & aloe vera.

Le Richemond Geneva
Rue Adhémar-Fabri 8-10,
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 715 7000