Spring is almost here and the list of events
in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France is filled with exciting outings to enjoy with the family. For more
ideas, you can also take a look at our previous posts about skiing with the tiddlers, winter sledging and indoor playcentres.
Here’s our list of suggestions for March 2015, but remember to keep checking our blog, as we will be updating
this post with more events each week!
This year, most Carnival celebrations will take place during the month of March so make sure you don’t miss it! As well as the Venetian Carnival in Annecy (France) on the 28th of February-1st of March 2015, you can also marvel at the gorgeous parades, Guggenmusiks (Carnival marching bands) and masked balls in the following
villages of the Suisse Romande:
- 5th-8th March 2015: Moudon Carnival
- 6th-7th March 2015: Carnaval Vallorbe
- Saturday
7th March 2015: Carnaval de Genolier
- Saturday 7th March 2015: Carnaval de Divonne (France)
- 7th-8th March 2015: Brandons in Grandson
- 13th-15th March 2015: Brandons in Yverdon-les-Bains
- 20th-22nd March 2015: Avenches Carnaval
- 21st March: Carnaval de St-Julien-en-Genevois
- 28th-30th March 2014: Carnaval Orbe

You can also check our previous posts to find all the best child-friendly places to enjoy a delicious and stress-free Sunday brunch with your
little buttons or the best indoor play centres in Geneva, Vaud and nearby France. And if the Sunday blues hit you don’t fret, we’ve got some great tips for that too!
- Stuck for ideas on a Sunday ? Find some ideas and suggestions here!
On those gray, drizzly days when nothing seems to placate your little buttons, remember you can visit your local ludothèques for a bit of free
-play and some light relief.
Public libraries are also a great place for your children: many host free
events, workshops, story-times
(usually in French but many times in other languages too). The bibliothèques in Geneva, Lausanne and neighbouring communes hold too many kids events each month to list
them all here so here’s some links
you can check regularly:
Geneva public libraries events & activities
Carouge public libraries events & activities
Lausanne public libraries events & activities

Ecole Ferdinand Hodler, Geneva
Most ice-rinks (patinoires in French) will be closing down at the beginning
of March but you can still grab a few hours’ fun at the following ones:
- until 8th of March 2015: the Patinoires in Lausanne include the Patinoire de Montchoisi, Flon Patinoire and the Patinoire de la Pontaise. See the Lausanne official website for more details.
- Open until 29th March 2015: The Patinoire des Charmilles in Geneva is smaller but it’s great fun for families: on Tuesdays & Saturdays from 1pm to 6pm they hold “Glisse en musique” skate & dance sessions for families that are really good fun! On Fridays from 5pm they offer various surprise activities
. Entry is free and skates can be hired for 2CHF. Click here for opening times – the rink is closed on Mondays.
- 27th February-8th March 2015: International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) at the Maison des Arts du Grütli in Geneva (16, rue du Général-Dufour). Don’t miss this extraordinary festival, which – as the website says – “will show a series of films
and documentaries about contemporary human rights: violence against women, poverty, torture, international justice and climate change”.

- Sunday 1st March 2015: La Penderie Vide-Dressing, fab shopping event at the Salle Luchepelet in Bernex from 10am until 5pm. The clothes for sale will be for men and women, including large sizes, accessories and shoes, but there will be activities
for children too in the “espace récréatif”. FREE ENTRY, if you wish to book a stall to sell your clothes and accessories just take a look here.

- Sunday 1st March 2015: “Sa Majesté Carnaval” celebrate Carnival with this free mask-making workshop for all ages. The event will take place from 2pm until 6pm in the entry hall of the newly-reopened MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). Once all the masks have been made, there will be a masked parade with music in the museum’s gardens, starting at 4pm. FREE ENTRY no advance booking required.
- Sunday 1st March 2015: “La Bulle d’air en voyage: spécial Afrique”, a fantastic free event suitable from age 2 at the newly-reopened MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). From 4pm to 5pm, little ones accompanied by an adult will meet in the museum’s foyer and gather around to learn some fun songs and music from Africa, with the staff from La Bulle d’air – if you’ve never been to any of their workshops or kids courses then you must go, they are absolutely brilliant and children love them! FREE ENTRY no advance booking required.

- Sunday 1st March 2015: “Mon ours a disparu” puppet show in French suitable from age 4 by the theatre company Les Croquettes at la Julienne in Plan-les-Ouates (rte de St-Julien 116), performance starts at 11am. Tickets on sale at the entrance so try to get there a bit earlier.

- Sunday 1st March 2015: Free entry to all museums and exhibitions in Geneva, a special initiative organized by the city of Geneva offering free access to permanent and temporary exhibitions on the first Sunday of every month.
- Sunday 1st March 2015: If your children are football crazy they will be super excited to know that on Sunday 1st of March they can meet Eric Cantona at the Maison Vaudagne in Meyrin! The event will follow the screening of Eric Cantona’s 2014 film “Foot et immigration” and starts at 4.15pm. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so be there on time! Call 022 719 0800 for more info. FREE ENTRY.

- Sunday 1st March 2015: petits rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO, suitable for ages 5 to 10 and starting at 11.15am. These are free guided tours for kids. The petits rendez-vous at Geneva’s MAMCO continue every Wednesday afternoon and on the first Sunday of every month, suitable for children aged 5 to 10 accompanied by an adult they are free of charge and require no advance booking. The upcoming petits rendez-vous (all in French) will be: Wed. 4th; Wednesday 11th; Wed. 18th & Wed. 25th of March at 3.15pm. If you have very young children, don’t miss the mini rendez-vous for children aged 2 to 4, accompanied by an adult. The next one will be on Wed. 4rd of March 2015 at 3.15pm. They last approx. 20 minutes and are free of charge (in French, no advance booking required).
- until 1st March 2015: “Mam’zelle chapeau”, a delightful, poetic puppet show suitable for ages 1 to 3 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3). Your little ones will love the magic surprises that come out of Mam’zelle’s hat! See the theatre’s official website to reserve your places.

- 1st-31st March 2015: Festival du Film Vert, a film festival with a green conscience taking place across 30 towns in France and Suisse Romande. The festival will be showcasing an amazing range of international movies that deal with important ecological issues that concerns us all. Take a look at the official website for full programme details.

- 3rd-4th March 2015: “Les rois vagabonds”, a fun music & clown puppet show in French suitable from age 8 at the Salle communale d’Onex (Route de Chancy, 131). The clowns will perform music from Vivaldi, Strauss, Bach accompanied by their incredible, hilarious acrobatics. Performance starts at 8.30pm, tickets are 32CHF (28 CHF with your annual Unireso card) for adults and 23CHF for children – click here to book your tickets.

- Wednesday 4th March 2015: “Trois p’tits contes et puis s’en vont…”, a fun tale & theatre show in French suitable from age 3 at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31) starting at 2.30pm for the first session and at 4pm for the second one. FREE ENTRY, but places must be booked in advance.

- Wednesday 4th March 2015: “Noir, c’est noir!”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00.
- Wednesday 4th March 2015: “Les épiphytes: ces plantes qui vivent loin du sol” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme. There will be other workshops this month on Wed. 11th and 25th of March 2015.

- 4th-8th March 2015: “Soucis de plume”, a puppet show for ages 4 to 8 at the Théatre de marionnettes de Lausanne (Aula du Collège des Bergières, Avenue des Bergières 44). Tickets cost 12CHF per person. Check their official website for full details.

- 4th-15th March 2015: “Monsieur, Blanchette et le Loup”, a theatre show performed in French and suitable from age 7 about a sheep and her owner who loves her so much he tries to make her believe she is a cow, in order to save her from the big bad wolf, who loves to eat sheep. The show takes place at Le petit théâtre in Lausanne (place de la Cathédrale 12). See the official website to book your tickets.

- 5th-8th March 2015: Semaine de l’égalité in Geneva. As part of “equality week”, the city of Geneva has organised “Où sont les femmes ?”, a fantastic music festival which challenges preconceptions about the role of women composers and artists in the history of music. Take part in the free concerts, guided musical walks with “GENEVE Escapade” or the musical workshops to make the most of this great festival. Click here to see the full programme, most activities will require advance booking.

- 5th-8th March 2015: “La Sorcière Hillary va à l’opéra”, an opera for children aged 4 to 10 performed at the Grand Théâtre de Genève (11, boulevard du Théâtre). During this fun, captivating one-hour show the protagonists will take children on a musical journey of discovery covering arias from Mozart, Puccini, Rossini, Verdi, Gounod, Gluck, Bizet, Offenbach, Strauss and Wagner. Two singers, a mime and a pianist will interact with the children and surprise them with their acrobatic skills!The show will be performed in the foyer of the Grand Théâtre de Genève and children will be sitting on soft floor cushions, making the atmosphere cozy and very relaxed. Tickets cost 50CHF for adults, 25CHF for the first child, 15CHF for the second and 10CHF for the third.

- 5th-8th March 2015: Moudon Carnival, probably the wildest of them all as this year’s theme will be….Brandons safari! There will even be a Jungle Bar…The kids parade takes place on Saturday 7th of March at 3.30pm.
- 5th-15th March 2015: 85th International Motor Show at Geneva’s Palexpo. This motorshow needs no introduction, so we’ll just share some good tips: all tickets bought on site after 4pm are half price; there will be a day nursery in the Entrance Hall, caring for children aged 3 months – 7 years (1st hour free of charge, after that CHF 6 per hour). Last but not least, beware of the traffic congestion around Geneva’s airport for the duration of the motorshow.

- 5th-15th March 2015: L’autre salon, organized by the association PRO VELO Genève, runs in parallel with the International Motorshow and offers an eco-friendly alternative for all those people who’d rather cycle than drive. This is ‘alternative’ Geneva at its best: the programme is filled with very interesting activities (wheteher you’re a bike-pro or not) including bike parades, live music in various locations and vélo-polo. See their official website for the full programme, park the car and get on your bike!

- 6th-7th March 2015: Carnaval Vallorbe, offers a fun-packed programme for their 2015 edition with a “Vallorobe dans l’espace” theme, Zumba demonstrations, confetti fights and activities for the little ones. Click here for the full programme.

- Saturday 7th March 2015: Cultures animées, free Animatou screenings suitable from age 8 in the Auditorium of the the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). From 11.15am until 11.45am. FREE ENTRY no advance booking required.

- Saturday 7th March 2015: Snowcross de St-Cergue (VD). A thrilling event as the Swiss championship of motoneige takes place from 11am at the Col de la Givrine. Free entry and many activities for all ages.

- Saturday 7th March 2015: Carnaval de Genolier – a HUGE thank you to our reader Eva who kindly sent us information about this lovely village carnival in the pretty village of Genolier (VD). Eva highly recommends it (we haven’t been yet but will definitely go this year!): the carnival begins with a parade of floats that have been decorated by the local school children, accompanied by Guggenmusik and dressed-up children of course! The parade ends with the burning of the Bonhomme d’hiver and a party in the local “salle de gym” (Salle communale du Gossan, Chemin du Cimetière) where there will be music, shows for children and food stalls. Eva’s advice is to get there early, as later on the road from Nyon will be blocked for the duration of the Carnival.

- Saturday 7th March 2015: Samedi des Bibliothèques vaudoises, a special day for all public libraries in Canton Vaud, with activities, story times, workshops and much more. Take a look at the official website for a list of activities in all participating libraries. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 7th March 2015: Carnaval de Divonne (France), starting at 1.30pm at the Halle Perdtemps with puppet shows for the little ones, activities and delish Italian food. The masked parade will start at 3pm, followed by games, more fun at the Espalande du Lac and a masked ball at 5pm. FREE ENTRY, remember to dress up your cheeky monkeys!!

- 7th-8th March 2015: GENEVE CHÊNE-BOUGERIES Festival de marionnettes et Cie. A great puppet-show festival (in French) from age 3 at the Salle Jean-Jacques Gautier in Chêne-Bougeries (Route du Vallon 1). The festival opening times will be 11am to 5pm on Saturday 8th of March and 9.30am-midday, 1.30pm to 4pm on Sunday 9th of March, tickets cost 10CHF per person. There will be puppet shows and workshops (advance booking required), click here to download the full programme.

- 7th-8th March 2015: Brandons in Grandson, watch the Bonhomme d’Hiver being burned just outside Grandson’s beautiful castle.
- 7th-15th March 2015: Habitat-Jardin, a fantastic home decor & garden exhibition at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne. With 500 exhibitors this is the place to go to find that special piece of furniture you’ve been pining for, or everything you need to indulge your inner gardener. Open from midday to 8pm during the week and from 10am to 6pm at the weekend. Tickets are 16CHF for adults and entry is free for children up to the age of 16.

- 7th-25th March 2015: “Loulou”, an adorable puppetshow in French suitable from age 4 at the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève (Rue Rodo 3), which tells the story of a wolf who becomes best friend with a little bunny rabbit. See the theatre’s official website for prices and to reserve your places.

- Sunday 8th March 2015: Escale Musicale, a fantastic free event suitable from age 2 at the newly-reopened MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). From 4pm to 5pm, the Tohu Wa Bohu theatre company will take the little ones (accompanied by an adult) on a musical journey of discovery through the museum’s music collection. Children will meet in the museum’s foyer and gather around to learn some fun songs and music. FREE ENTRY no advance booking required.

- Sunday 8th March 2015: visite contée dans l’exposition “Jean Marie Borgeaud – La terre au corps”, a guided tour and tales for all ages at the Musée Ariana in Geneva (Avenue de la Paix 10). Story-teller Yvette Court will tell the following stories: “Les têtes volantes” (conte vietnamien-malais); “L’oiseau magique” (conte mongol) and “Le créateur”. Event starts at 3pm.

- Sunday 8th March 2015: Vide-Grenier : marché aux puces couvert at the Halles CFF in Morges (opposite the train station). This is largest indoor flea market in the area, if you’re looking for a vintage piece or a bargain this is the place to go! 120 sellers will be present, entry is free.

- until 8th March 2015: “Ca sent la vache chez le Docteur Higins”, a theatre show in French suitable from age 4 at the Théâtre Rodolphe Töpffer in Geneva.

- 9th-15th March 2015: Voix de Fête music festival in Geneva. A programme filled with live concerts and events by the best musicians and artists of the Suisse Romande, France, Canada, Belgium and Africa. Don’t miss the free circus workshops at the Salle Communale de Plainapalais and the live music shows in the city’s coolest bars, part of the festival’s “Bars en Fête” spin-off.

- Wednesday 11th March 2015: “Magie ? Magie !”, a fun magic & clown show in French suitable from age 4 at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31) starting at 2.30pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.

- Wednesday 11th March 2015: “Mon herbier des fleurs de printemps” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme. There will be another workshop this month on Wed. 25th of March 2015.

- Wednesday 11th March 2015: “Le langage des couleurs”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- 13th-15th March 2015: Brandons in Yverdon-les-Bains, this year’s theme will be “les gens de La Fontaine” so make sure you dress up as one of La Fontaine’s animal characters. Don’t miss the Bal des enfants on Saturday 14th at 3.15pm and the night parade where they carry the Bonhomme d’Hiver (starts at 7.15pm).

- Saturday 14th March 2015: Journée de découverte du scoutisme this is the first open day held to allow young teenagers to learn more about scout groups in Switzerland. Click on their official website to find a french-speaking scout group near you and visit them on Saturday 14th of March to find out all about their activities!

- Saturday 14th March 2015: Happy St. Patrick’s day, fun celebrations at the Ferme Sarasin in Grand-Sacconex (Chemin Edouard-Sarasin 47) with activities, Irish dances and concerts from 2pm until 10pm. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 14th March 2015: Carnaval de Chavannes-de-Bogis, a great carnival celebration for those of you living in Canton Vaud. The masked parade will kick off at 2pm, the full programme will be unveiled soon. FREE ENTRY.
- 14th-21st March 2015: Rock the Pistes Festival at the Portes du Soleil (France). If you love skiing and rock music then this is the right festival for you: with great live concerts right on the best ski slopes in Europe, fun is pretty much guaranteed (and the best thing is, you can enjoy a live rock concert without having to book the baby-sitter!). Visit the official website for full details.

- Sunday 15th March 2015: T’choupi, theatre show for little ones at the Théâtre du Léman in Geneva. There will be 2 performances: the first at 2.30pm and the second at 5pm. A magical show about the world of little T’choupi and his friends!

- Sunday 15th March 2015: “La porcelaine s’éclate!”, creative workshop in French for kids aged 8 to 12 at the Château de Nyon (Place du Château 5) as part of their current Bouke de Vies exhibition. The workshop will run from 2.30pm until 4pm and costs 12CHF per child, places must be booked in advance at info@chateaudenyon.ch or by phone at 022 363 83 51. Children will learn how to create a magic porcelain cup, filled with objects from their own imagination.

- Wednesday 18th March 2015: “Drôle de pot”, a fun theatre show in French suitable from age 3 at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31) starting at 2.30pm. FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required. The show will be followed by a free snack for children on the theme of cultural and ethnic diversity.

- Wednesday 18th March 2015: “Le langage des couleurs”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- Wednesday 18th March 2014: Le MAH à tout petits pas – Mercredi Family pour les tout-petits free guided tours for children aged 3 to 5 accompanied by an adult at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva starting at 10.30am. No previous booking required, FREE OF CHARGE.
- Wednesday 18th March 2015: “Les 3 animaux roses et la grenouille qui parlait trop”, a story and music play (in French) suitable from age 3 at Le Spot Le Spot in Chêne-Bourg (2 rue François-Perréard). Performance start at 3pm, places must be booked in advance at 022 348 96 78 or by e-mail at mq@lespot.ch

- Wednesday 18th March 2015: “Dire Tout Grimm”, story times for all ages dedicated to the brothers Grimm famous tales. The first session will be held on Wednesday 18th of March at 8pm at the Bibliothèque de Nyon. The second session will be on Wednesday 25th of March at 2pm at the Bibliothèque Jeunesse in Nyon (just behind la Combe shopping centre). FREE ENTRY.

- 18th-29th March 2015: “Gulliver”, a modern take on the famous Gulliver story taken to the stage with the use of cinematic and mirror tricks. Performed in French and suitable from age 8, the show takes place at Le petit théâtre in Lausanne (for this show only, performances will be taking place at the Salle de l’Eldorado, place Chauderon 5). See the official website to book your tickets.

- Friday 20th March 2015: If you’d like to watch the partial solar eclipse in all safety this Friday 20th of March, you can do so at the observatoire de Lausanne (chemin des Grandes Roches 8). They will be exceptionally open to the public on the morning of Friday 20th of March from 9.30am until 11.30am to allow people to watch the eclipse through the observatory’s telescopes. At around 10.30am the eclipse will be visible from Lausanne and the sun will be partially covered at 70%. This is a unique experience as the next solar eclipse will take place in 2021 and the sun will only be covered at 20%. Special sunglasses will be on sale to avoid any damage to the eyes. Please do not attempt to watch the eclipse without the appropriate protective glasses and be very careful with children as the sun’s infrared and ultraviolet rays are very damaging to the eyes.

Galerie Astro-photo © membres SVA
- Friday 20th March 2015: Spring is definitely here, so it’s time to burn the Bonhomme d’hiver! This Friday 20th of March you can take part in the traditional celebration at the Sécheron – Espace de quartier in Geneva. The parade kicks off at 6pm from the place de Montbrillant (opposite Coop), and the bonfire will be set on fire at 6.30pm at the ‘esplanade’ next to the Espace de quartier Sécheron. Children and adults are welcome to say goodbye to winter smile emoticon FREE ENTRY.

- 20th-22nd March 2015: Avenches Carnaval, the kids’ parade starts at 3.30pm on the Saturday and will be followed by many activities & street entertainment throughout town from 8pm.

- 20th-29th March 2015: International Oriental Film Festival in Geneva with a section called “Fi-Fon-Fan” entirely dedicated to children aged 3 to 12 (programme details coming up soon). Movies will be screened at various locations in Geneva and nearby France, including the Cinémas du Grütli; CinéVersoix; Zinema; Office des Nations Unies à Genève; Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN); Musée Ariana; Chat Noir; Moulin à Danse de Genève (MAD); Le Chic; Espace 99; Ecole Internationale Tunon de Genève; Ecole Internationale de Genève; Cycle d’Orientation de la Seymaz; Cinéma Le Patio (Ciné-Club de Gex).

- Saturday 21st March 2015: Cultures animées, free Animatou screenings suitable from age 8 in the Auditorium of the the MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). From 11.15am until 11.45am. FREE ENTRY no advance booking required.

- Saturday 21st March 2015: “Théâtre d’ombres”, suitable from age 8. Free shadow theatre show which will involve participants in a free workshop to make the shadow puppets. The event will take place in the entry hall of the newly-reopened MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67) from 2pm until 4pm. Places must be booked in advance at publics.meg@ville-ge.ch tickets cost 8CHF for children and 12CHF for adults.

- Saturday 21st March 2015: Carnaval de St-Julien-en-Genevois in nearby France. This year’s theme will be “Les 5 continents” so dress-up accordingly! Face-painting for children will begin at 4pm at the Maison de Quartier in St-Julien-en-Genevois (24 Grande Rue) and the masked parade will kick off at 6.30pm. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 21st March 2015: Portes ouvertes musicales, open day for all music courses for tots & children at La Bulle d’air, from 10am until 5pm. The open day will take place at both centres: the Grand-Sacconex one (Chemin du Pommier 14) and the one in Carouge (Ecole de la Tambourine, Chemin de la Tambourine 37). FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 21st March 2015: From 8.30am until 1pm the “Centre de voirie, horticole et de secours” (CVHS) will be holding an open day at the Impasse Colombelle 12. Children will be able to learn about bees, watch a live demonstration by the Grand-Sacconex fire fighters group, play with giant garden games as well as try local honey or have their face painted. FREE ENTRY.

- Saturday 21st March 2015: Troc de printemps at the Espace de quartier Sécheron in Geneva. You can leave your second-hand clothes, toys and books to be sold on Friday 20th of March from 5pm; or if you just want to look around for something you need, be there on Saturday between 8.30am and 12.30pm. Contact anim.events@hotmail.com for more info.

- 21st-22nd March 2015: Aperti, artists in lausanne will open up their workshops and ateliers to the public from midday to 6pm. See the event’s official website for the complete list of all participating artists.

- 21st-22nd March 2015: Violetta fans rejoice, after the first sold out performances, new ones have been added to placate the fans of the famous Disney Channel series. Book your tickets now for Violetta Live at the Geneva Arena, before they sell out again! Performed in French, the music is quite loud so the show might not be suitable for very young children (earplugs are provided for adults and older children).

- 21st-22nd March 2015: chocoholics rejoice as the Festichoc is back in Versoix for its 11th edition. This is the best chocolate festival in the Suisse Romande: with over 26 exhibitors and chocolatiers present you will be able to taste some delicious chocolate, learn how these scrumptious creations are made and also take part in a Easter Egg hunt on Sunday 22nd of March at 11.30am. See the official website for full details.

- 21st-25th March 2015: “LES ZAVENTURES DE JULES LE ZERTE”, a puppet show for ages 4 to 8 at the Théatre de marionnettes de Lausanne (Aula du Collège des Bergières, Avenue des Bergières 44). A fun show filled with music and songs, dealing with the theme of friendship. Tickets cost 12CHF per person. Check their official website for full details.

- Sunday 22nd March 2015: Inventez votre bijou péruvien!, a jewellery-making workshop suitable from age 6 at the newly-reopened MEG museum in Geneva (Musée d’ethnographie de la Ville de Genève, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 65-67). The workshop will be held in French and will run from 2pm to 4pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Participation is free of charge but places must be booked in advance at publics.meg@ville-ge.ch.

- 22nd & 25th March 2015: “Elles font font quoi?” puppet show in French suitable from age 4 at Le Manège in Onex (Route de Chancy, 127). The show tells the story of young puppet Noah and all his theatre friends, performance starts at 2.30pm, tickets are 12CHF for adults and 8CHf for children – click here to book your tickets.

- 24th-29th March 2015: CinéGlobe – Festival International de Films au CERN. An exciting selection of films inspired by science, which this year will explore the idea of the frontier in science, technology & cinema. Take a look at their official website for full programme details, the screenings of CinéGlobe will take place at CERN, in Meyrin.

- Wednesday 25th March 2015: “On improvise !”, part of the Mercredis Family at the Musée d’art et d’histoire in Geneva (Rue Charles-Galland 2). Children aged 6 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome every Wednesday at 3pm to discover all about the museum collections in a fun, interactive way. Reserve your places in advance at adp-mah@ville-ge.ch or by phone at 022 418 25 00.

- Wednesday 25th March 2015: “Les petites poucettes en concert“, a fun music show in French suitable from age 2 at the Espace Grosselin in Carouge (Rue Jacques-Grosselin 31) with one performance at 2.30pm and a second one at 4pm. FREE ENTRY, but places must be booked in advance.

- Wednesday 25th March 2015: “Plantes succulentes et cactus” – Ateliers Verts du Jardin Botanique in Geneva for kids aged 8-11 (in French). What better place than Geneva’s beautiful botanical gardens to learn more about nature, micro-organisms and plants ? These fantastic workshops take place on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4.30pm and cost 12 CHF per child. Places must be booked in advance at 022 379 70 68. Click here to download the full programme.

- Wednesday 25th March 2015: “Contes de Grimm”, story-time and songs in French focusing on the brothers Grimm’s famous tales. Starting at 2pm at the Bibliothèque des Jeunes in Nyon (Ch. de Crève-Coeur 3). FREE ENTRY, no advance booking required.
- Wednesday 25th March 2015: “Dire Tout Grimm”, story times for children dedicated to the brothers Grimm famous tales. The session will be held at 2pm at the Bibliothèque Jeunesse in Nyon (just behind la Combe shopping centre). FREE ENTRY.

- 26th-29th March 2015: Mednat Expo at the Expo Beauliue in Lausanne. This is the largest and most important exhibition in Switzerland dedicated to natural remedies, healthy eating and organic produce. With over 240 exhibitors, yogathon sessions and cookery workshops there is something for everyone! See the official website for full details.

- 27th-29th March 2015: Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art in Geneva, Vaud and the Jura. Would you like to see what happens behind the scenes of the city’s most important cultural institutions? Would you like to meet the people who work there and learn more about what they do? If so, book your place for one of the guided tours or free workshops taking place in Geneva, Vaud and the Jura at the end f March 2015. Visit the official website for full info and to reserve your place, but hurry as they fill up fast! Bookings open on the 2nd of March 2015, FREE ENTRY to all activities.

- 27th-29th March 2015: Salonbébé 2015 at Palexpo Geneva. This exhibition is all about life with baby, so don’t miss it if you’re expecting a little one or are new parents looking for all the latest info and baby products. With baby massage sessions, talks about childcare issues and much more you’ll find all the info and advice you need. Find out more about all the exhibitors and the full programme on their official website.

- 28th March 2015: “En route pour un après-midi en famille”, family event in Divonne-les-Bains (France). From 2pm onwards at the Halle de l’Esplanade du lac there will be a family treasure hunt, car races for kids, photo workshops and bicycle test for children aged 7 to 11. FREE ENTRY. Most activities are suitable from age 6.

- 28th-29th March 2015: Pâques en fête, Easter family event at the Musée romand de la machine agricole in Gingins (VD). From 10am until 5pm there will be Easter workshops, plenty of great decorations and an “Easter farm” with bunnies, chickens, sheep and dogs for cuddling. Entry is 5CHF for adults and FREE FOR CHILDREN. A huge thank you to Anna for the heads-up about this great event!

- 28th-29th March 2015: Junior Days, the first kids expo in Lausanne for 4 to 14 year-olds. Open from 10am to 6pm at the Expo Beaulieu in Lausanne this exhibition will offer a wide range of fun and educational activities, Zumba classes for kids, workshops, movies and shows for children – so make sure you check out their official website for full details.

- 28th-30th March 2014: Carnaval Orbe. This year’s theme is the Wild West, cowboys & rodeos, so make sure you dress the part! There will be country dance, Guggenmusik, activities for children and the Bonhomme d’Hiver will be burned at 8pm on Saturday night.

- Sunday 29th March 2015: “Un goûter aux parfums du XVIIIe siècle”, a gourmet workshop in French at the Nyon castle Museum (VD) where you will discover the museum’s collection of ancient porcelain as well as delicious treats from the past. The workshops is linked to the current Bouke de Vries “Fragments” exhibition. The workshop runs from 2.30pm until 3.30pm, the price is 15CHF per person – places must be booked in advance at info@chateaudenyon.ch

- Sunday 29th March 2015: Giant Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am from the Villa Freundler in Plainpalais, Geneva. FREE ENTRY.

- Sunday 29th March 2015: If you have no plans yet for Sunday 29th of March, what about joining in café familial-musical organized by La Forêt Enchantée the at the Espace de Quartier Sécheron in Geneva (Avenue Blanc 7)? This family event will run from 3om until 5pm, with a lovely organic afternoon snack followed by music and dance with your little ones. Places must be reserved in advance at info@laforetenchantee.ch
- Sunday 29th March 2015: Brunch dans les Tulipes in Morges (VD). Celebrate Easter at Morges’ fabulous tulips festival with this delectable brunch under the Relais marquee (Parc de l’Indépendance). Price per person CHF 35.-, Children from 6 to 12 years old CHF 20.-, free for children under the age of 5 years old. Reservations will be accepted until the 20th of March 2015, book your places at Relais Services 021 811 51 71.
- until 29th March 2015: Quel Cirque! Une exposition-atelier autour d’Alexander Calder… at the Vallée de la Jeunesse in Lausanne. A fun, interactive exhibition suitable from age 5 focused on the work of sculptor Alexander Calder. Entry is 5CHF for children from age 5 and 7CHF for adults.

- until 29th March 2015: “Le monde magique des abeilles – exposition pédagogique” at the Ferme Sarasin (salle de Saconnay) in Grand-Sacconex. The exhibition is a great way to learn more about these wonderful hard-workers and is more suitable for school age children than young toddlers. Opening times are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2pm until 6pm – Thursdays and Fridays from 3.30pm until 6pm. FREE ENTRY.

- until 6th April 2015: “Contes de fées, de la tradition à la modernité”, a fascinating exhibition at the Palais Lumière in Evian (France) focusing on children’s fairy tales and how they have become part of our culture. From the most famous tales by the Brothers Grimm, Andersen and Lewis carroll to the latest modern adaptations, this exhibition covers everything that has inspired us throughout the centuries. Click here for more details about kids workshops, family shows and guided tours. Open from 10am until 7pm Tuesday to Sunday and from 2pm until 7pm on Mondays. Tickets are 10 euros for adults and free for children under 10.

- until 11th April 2015: “Dompter la lumière”, a fun interactive exhibition at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle in Geneva about the nature of light and how it can be tamed by reflection, refraction and other phenomena. The children will love the periscopes, kaleidoscopes and mirrors that will repeat images in a never-ending line. Free entry, click here to download the full brochure of the exhibition in English.

- until 12th April 2015: Bouke de Vries “Fragments” exhibition at the Château de Nyon (Place du Château 5). Find out more about this fantastic exhibition in our previous post. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 2pm until 5pm for the whole month of March; and from 10am until 5pm Tuesday to Sunday during the month of April. Free entry on the first Sunday of the month, free entry for children under 16 at all other times; adults 8CHF.

- until 25th October 2015: “L’œil nu” a fantastic new exhibition suitable from age 7 at the Espace des Inventions in Lausanne (Vallée de la Jeunesse 1). The exhibition will teach your little ones everything there is to know about sight and vision, through a series of interactive stations. Alongside the exhibition there will also be a series of fun workshops for ages 7 to 12 called “Le Club des petits inventeurs”, from 2pm to 5pm on selected days. Click here to download the list of activities.

- The permanent exhibition “Noblesse Oblige” at Prangins Castle is a great day-out for the whole family, take a step back in time with your children to see how a noble Swiss family lived in the 18th century! Find out more about this fantastic family exhibition in our previous post.