Tea Time at Laduree March 9, 2017 If macaroons are you weakness and you dream of a relaxed, civilized Wednesday afternoon with the little ones… 0 Shares 0 0
Central Park October 20, 2015 Possibly one of the best (and largest!) playgrounds outside Geneva, the Avenue de la Gare espace de jeux in… 0 Shares 0 0
Every Mum Is an Island May 11, 2015 In full view of the Mont Blanc bridge and yet concealed away from all the hustle and bustle of… 1 Shares 1 0
New Bricks Café Opens in Lausanne February 5, 2015 The much-dreaded bise, the freezing northern wind that around this time of year takes hold of the entire Lac Léman… 0 Shares 0 0
Les Recyclables February 18, 2014 With its 11,000 books, healthy plats du jour and relaxed atmosphere, Les Recyclables is one of our favourite haunts in Geneva.… 1 Shares 1 0
Kings of the Burger World January 20, 2014 What great news for all hamburger-lovers and those of us feeling an insatiable craving for crunchy bacon, pickles… 0 Shares 0 0
A Summer Terrace With a View June 21, 2013 I have been thinking about my favourite cafés in Geneva for a while, compiling an imaginary list in… 8 Shares 8 0
Café Brocante with Style April 21, 2013 I have to thank lovely Paola from Uzume for introducing me to Le Coup de Girafe in Geneva’s Eaux-Vives. Tucked… 0 Shares 0 0