Pardon my French ! August 2, 2012 Is the French language so rude that it should come with an apology ? Should expats expect to hear… 0 Shares 0 0
French Terms of Endearment June 17, 2012 ‘Céline, what are the pet names that French mums use for their children?’ asked my friend Michela. Of course! She… 0 Shares 0 0
Langue de Boeuf, Anyone? Or Why French Schools Won’t Allow Packed Lunches June 9, 2012 A large white plate with two big floury potatoes, boiled. No butter, just a bit of gravy. The… 0 Shares 0 0
How Teachers Can Shape You June 9, 2012 At the beginning there was a teacher in a classroom full of 14 year-old students, who were learning when to use the… 10 Shares 10 0
Mums Rule the Playground June 5, 2012 We all had a favourite playground game when we were little, but can you keep up with your little… 0 Shares 0 0
Memories of My French Childhood May 24, 2012 Join Céline on her trip down memory lane. Céline grew up in Lille, northern France, before moving to… 0 Shares 0 0