Kings of the Castle October 5, 2012 The Musée national suisse at the Château de Prangins is one of our favourites. Located just a few minutes… 22 Shares 22 0
Salon Baby Planet in Lausanne October 3, 2012 If you are first-time parents or you already have children but are expecting another baby, make a note in… 0 Shares 0 0
Who’s Afraid of the Creepy Crawlies ? October 2, 2012 On Sunday I took my pretend children to the Vivarium de Meyrin. When I say “pretend children” I don’t… 19 Shares 19 0
It’s Olympics Week ! September 28, 2012 On your marks, get set…if your children are aged 9 to 15 and they love sports there’s a very… 4 Shares 4 0
Fun at the Museum September 21, 2012 As mentioned in a previous post, I am a bit of an art addict and like to share this… 1 Shares 1 0
Pic Nic at the Castle September 19, 2012 The events of La Semaine du Goût that are taking place throughout Switzerland until the end of this week are… 1 Shares 1 0
A Scary Night in Morges ! September 18, 2012 For all the little monsters in our household Halloween can never come soon enough. Imagine our delight then when… 0 Shares 0 0
Vintage Toy Exhibition in Carouge September 18, 2012 The Musée de Carouge has organised “Jouets et loisirs d’antan” – a fantastic exhibition of antique and vintage toys, which… 0 Shares 0 0
Apple Picking in Geneva September 9, 2012 One of the perks of living in Geneva is that, although it’s the second biggest city in Switzerland, you’re… 7 Shares 7 0
In Heidi’s Footsteps July 4, 2012 It happens to most expatriates in Switzerland, especially if your expat plans take you to one of the… 0 Shares 0 0
Meet La Maison de Colette June 18, 2012 La Maison de Colette is definitely one of my favourite Geneva blogs. Created by Marion, a French mother-of-one and… 0 Shares 0 0
I Art Geneva June 11, 2012 I’ve always had a very soft spot for art and design so – whenever possible – I try to… 0 Shares 0 0
Caribana Festival: The Lights Are On! June 3, 2012 Get your dancing shoes on for the 22nd edition of the Caribana Festival, which takes place this week… 0 Shares 0 0